thirty six. danger is rewarded a second chance

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A roar of applause sounded across the bleachers when the four Triwizard champions stepped into sight. It appeared a common sense of bliss had succumbed the entirety of people present within the Hogwarts walls, the spirit of competition seemingly growing stronger and more prominent compared to previous event.

Perhaps was it due to the situation: this time there were no dragons causing everyone to sit on the edge of their seats. Now, there was water. A lot of it, and to some, it must have appeared far less lethal than a Hungarian Horntail, or a Common Welsh green.

Valerie stared at the darkness of the Black Lake, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Never would she willingly dive into the deep abyss, and had she been in either of the competitors place, surely she would have given up by now. It was intimidating, for all dangers residing within were hidden, only to be discovered once too deep down to go back.

"Welcome to the second task." Dumbledore's voice broke apart the ongoing chatter, the cheering and the applause momentarily ceasing. "Last night, something was stolen from our champions. A treasure, or sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black lake."

Valerie's eyes drifted back and fourth between all four of the competitors. Krum appeared scarily stoic as usual: a frown across his features, shoulders tense with anticipation. Not an ounce of fear was traceable across his demeanor, and for that she surely believed some others envied him.

Fleur, seemed to be in control of her composure as well. Facial expression showcasing neutrality, lips moving as if calmly whispering encouragements to herself, she at least seemed to have a plan of how she would get past the breathing-under-water-issue.

Cedric stood tall, but looked ever so slightly nervous. His housemates continued to cheer him on, the houses of Ravenclaw and Slytherin joining in as well, and the longer Dumbledore's speech went on, the more did his confidence however seem to grow. Soon he was gripping his wand tightly, a look of determination replacing previous hesitancy.

When turning to Harry, Valerie was about ready to audibly sigh. He appeared disoriented, eyes flickering back and forth across his surroundings as if unsure what he was about to get himself into. She tilted her head in confusion, simultaneously pursing her lips. Hopefully he had actually taken some of her advice on how to breathe underwater to heart, otherwise he was majorly screwed.

"In order to win, each champion need only to find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough, except for this;" Dumbledore continued. "They will have but one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they will be on their own, with no magic to save them."

"What is he doing, exactly?" Theodore suddenly spoke directly into her ear, Valerie flinching in surprise. After recovering from the shock, she turned toward him with a questioning look of her face. Although she should be annoyed at his presence, she was surprised to admit she wasn't. A moment of hesitation passed, but eventually she decided to set her stubbornness aside and stop refusing the urge to follow up on his question.

He did nothing but point toward Harry, Valerie immediately narrowing her eyes upon the sight he directed her toward.

"I—" she paused. Poor lad was coughing so hard she momentarily feared he was suffocating, and the remaining three champions slowly but carefully were made aware of his state, turning around and offering him strange looks while trying to make out what he was doing. Only when seeing him swallow something, grimacing at the taste, did Valerie put together the pieces and hummed to herself. "Gillyweed," she then exclaimed, to which Theodore turned to look at her once again.

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