Wall by Wall

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Secrets are the only words she knows
She fears to speak less her fear shows
The past is hidden behind a myriad of woes
The future holds naught but tears with pose

Wall after wall she built up
Slowly, so slowly she used up
All of her open spaces

Now where is her mind to go
Now where is her mind to go

Darkness is the only comfort she knows
But she lays with the lights dimmed low
For the shadows move hauntingly
And the voices speak tauntingly
How was she to sleep tonight

Wall after wall she built up
Slowly, so slowly she used up
All of her open spaces

Now where is her mind to go
Now where is her mind to go

Harder and harder she tries
To break past the bricks in her mind
But the walls, they just compressed
And she is left so depressed
That she fills the open spaces again

She cries so loud but who could hear her?
(The walls are so thick)

The anguish she shows, but who sees her?
(The stone is like mirrors)

And one day it came to pass that
The blood pours from her veins
(The walls are so clean)

For she tried so hard to climb over the rise
(The walls were as tall as the skies)

But slipped and fell to her demise
(The walls were as smooth as glass)

And no one was the wiser

3/14/2015 @11.53pm

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