The Beginning Of The Tattoo Parlor

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Sunny weather in London was rare. No clouds were circling the sky. Birds were looking around for water sources. The sun was gleaming down on dehydrated people, it shone, burning and tanning skin. The concrete was warm enough to make pancakes. 

In the late morning, two engines of motorbikes revved into a colourful street full of shops. They pulled up to a white plain building. The white building was boring and bland, sheets were hung up to cover the windows from the inside. Beside it were two shops, a plant shop and In Libras Libertas - the name was in Latin, "In Books, Freedom." The place was a bookshop and a café. 

Sirius Black - one of the people on the motorbikes - jumped from it and took his helmet off. He placed it on the handle of his bike and leaned back on it. His hair was an inky black, it was naturally curly and it reached his broad shoulders. Eyes were a beautiful shade of grey, a light smoke colour, and an almond shape. Chaos flowed through his pale face. His face was well chiselled and pretty.

He wore a band t-shirt and baggy, ripped, black jeans. Sirius had combat boots on along with a black leather jacket with the word "Padfoot" sewn into the back with pretty bright coloured letters. 

On the other motorbike, Marlene McKinnon jumped off and took her helmet from her head, letting her dirty blonde mullet fall. She had amber-coloured eyes that reminded people of the feeling of Autumn. Her skin was lightly tanned, sun-kissed perfectly and prettily. Marlene was wearing something similar to Sirius, plain black t-shirt, light blue and baggy jeans, combat boots and a leather jacket that also had her nickname sewn into the back ("Marls.")

They both ascended from their bikes and stood in front of the white shop. Marlene's expression was unreadable as her eyes wandered. Sirius' expression showed disgust.

"It's like I've just been asked to walk towards the light since I've just died." Sirius remarked. Marlene grimaced and agreed.

"Did we get in a car crash back there?" Marlene looked back to their motorbikes. Both started laughing, doubling over at the joke - that wasn't even that funny yet they found it hilarious.

Sirius looked at the cafè/bookshop next to them, full with satisfied customers. "How about we have a coffee before Lily, James and Mary get here?" Sirius suggested it to Marlene. She looked at the cafè, she was about to disagree when a beautiful girl with copper skin walked out with a tray in hand.

"Sure." Marlene answered, following Sirius' lead to the entrance of the bookshop. They both walked in. It was cozy and warm. The walls were painted a comforting colour of light brown. The song "Somewhere Only We Know" was playing quietly, soothing the motorcycle rider's at once. The atmosphere was welcoming and enticing. The sign as they walked in said "Welcome! This is a LGBTQ+, disabled, neurodivergent, all religion safe space!"

After the indoor seating area, bookshelves were lined up. Categories of books were written on hanging signs. Sirius was surprised that he was impressed by a book shop; he couldn't recall the last time he had even picked up a book.

Marlene dragged him to the counter where a pretty girl with pale skin and light pink hair stood. Her eyes were blue and ocean-like. She was absorbed in her phone and she looked up as Marlene and Sirius stood in front of her. A smile found a way onto her lips. 

"Hello, I'm Emmeline. What can I get you two today?" The girl smiled, tapping on the screen she had infront of her. Sirius saw a tag on her shirt that said "Emmeline, she/her." Also, the lesbian flag was visable on the tag. Sirius smiled, slightly. 

Sirius travelled his eyes to the menu board above Emmeline's head, where he looked at every possible drink and food he could order. He carefully decided between a peppermint tea or a chocolate frappuccino. 

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