Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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Barty Crotch <3

Regulus has changed the name of this contact to Barty <3.

Barty: hey, I saw you were online, wanted to talk

Regulus: oh okay hey

Barty: hi

Regulus: what did you want to talk about

Barty: you know

Regulus: oh

Barty: oh?

Regulus: I mean, we were just holding hands it's not a big deal

Barty: it is to me

Regulus: same for me

Barty: I don't wanna be weird with you for such a small thing even though its a big deal to both of us

Regulus: it doesn't have be weird

Barty: but I have no clue what to do

Regulus: me neither to be honest

Barty: I like you

Regulus: i know, ur shit at keeping that a secret

Regulus: I like you too

Barty: okay that's a start

Regulus: on a scale of one to ten how much are you freaking out rn

Barty: TEN

Regulus: thought so


Regulus: clearly, do you wanna go on a date or

Barty: whats the point of dates, basically it's just to get to know the other person and we know each other

Regulus: okay then

Barty: okay

Barty: im not saying it

Regulus: me neither


Regulus: say it then

Barty: do you wanna be my girlfriend 

Regulus: now that wasn't so hard was it

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