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Azalea stood in the doorway of the kitchen, hiding behind the wall, waiting for her auntie Mary to go home. Azalea was now ten, her parents both thirty-one, her five year old brother was nagging uncle Remus and her baby sister was crying for Sirius to stop taking away her precious ipad that was the only thing she actually liked in the world.

Azalea's auntie Mary walked out of the newly decorated kitchen and gave Azalea a ruffle of the hair while walking to the sitting room to get Remus and Sirius. She watched them from the door as they said their goodbyes to the Evans-Potter family. 

The nervous girl clutched the letter in her left hand and walked into the kitchen, she placed the letter on the counter and bolted for the stairs. She sat on her bed as she got to her room and brought her scratched knees up to her chest. She didn't know why she was so nervous.


"Azzy?" Her dad's soothing voice came from the door as she was on her laptop, still nervous. She looked up, biting her lip. "Was that paper on the table yours? Because if it was, the dog got it somehow and it's ripped to pieces. Sorry if it was, love." 

"Oh, it was just a little doodle page. Wasn't important." Azalea replied, forcing a horrid and fake smile. Her eyes were filled with tears and her smile had become wonky. 

Her father smiled and closed her door.

It was important.


Azalea wanted them to know. She wanted her family in on it. She wanted her family to know. Again, she wrote a long, detailed letter to her mum and dad and brother and baby sister. Explaining what she needed them to know.

She placed it on the counter of the otichen again, crossed her fingers, closed her eyes and ran up the stairs to her room. 


Azalea heard them talking. She couldn't hear their exact words but she knew that they were there for her. 

It was eleven o'clock on a school night when her parents came in. She was already in bed, facing towards the wall, away from the door. James breathed and looked at Lily. They thought she was asleep.


Harry's face screwed up in relief and felt the weight coming off of his shoulders. He began to cry. Lily and James' arms were around him in seconds, whispering words that they thought would make him feel better. And it did make him feel better.

"We support you, love. Of course we do. You're our son." James whispered, kissing the side of his face. Harry felt his father's tears too. 

"Do you want to go on T?" Lily asked, stroking his cheek. Harry nodded. James found his circled glasses on the bedside table and put them on him. 

"I'm so proud of you, my love." Lily and James both told him throughout the night. 


Dear Mum and Dad,

I don't know why I'm so nervous to tell you this because I know for a fact you will both support me due to the fact you are too.

The only acceptance that I need is yours. And it's hard for me to tell you as I imagine it was when you told your parents.

I'm transgender. A boy. I want to be a boy. And I believe I am a boy. Despite the fact that people view me as a girl; I'm a boy. I go by he/him and my preferred name is Harry. I still like the nickname Azzy. People use Hazza or Haz with the name Harry so I'm okay with being called Azzy.

I love you both, don't tell anyone until I'm ready.

From Azalea/Harry (your son.)

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