Milfs and Dilfs

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They had talked and talked and talked, neither getting bored of getting to know each other. Finally, the pair had ordered more pie and tea. Sirius - eventually - suggested that they should leave and have a small walk around the park before picking up the cat and Sirius walking Remus home. 

Remus slipped its hand into Sirius' and they began to walk through a beautiful park with flowers blooming from every bush. Bush arches were prettily placed at the entrances which Sirius thought was quite romantic. She could see herself kissing Remus under them, but quickly, she pushed them thoughts away and remembered Remus' boundaries.

"You know, maybe if we do go on that second date, we could come here and I could make you a flower crown." Remus gave Sirius one of their toothy grins and picked a purple flower from a bush. He tucked the flower into Sirius' black and curly hair. Sirius smiled and kissed Remus' cheek. 

When pulling away, Sirius caught a glimpse of the redness that was now taking over Remus' face. Sirius grinned and took a hold of Remus' hand again. 

"Summer or winter?" Remus asked, rubbing his thumb over Sirius' palm as they left the park to walk to his mother's place. Sirius looked at Remus through her lashes and shrugged.

"Both. Summer because I get to wear summer dresses. Winter because I get to cuddle with James near the fire and have hot chocolate without sweating too much. You?"

"Winter, I hate summer. I overheat in my jumpers but I hate wearing shirts. My scars. And my eczema, kids at my primary school used to say I had a disease. Plus my jumpers don't irritate my eczema in the Winter because I'm not sticky with sweat. Autumn or Spring?"

"Spring. Because of the thought that so much life is being brought into the world, like flowers and lambs and such. I think it's beautiful. You?"

"Autumn." Remus said after analysing Sirius' face after her answer. Remus wasn't going to lie, he thought Sirius was lying about her answer but when he saw she was being sincere, he felt a weird warm feeling in his stomach.

They continued to talk. It felt so comfortable talking to each other. Their conversations flowed like a waterfall. They hadn't even realised how long they had been walking and talking before they were at the steps of Remus' mums' home.

Remus pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. Sirius followed in after Remus had entered. It was a cosy home. It wasn't too big but it wasn't too small, just enough for three people who shared the same room. 

"Mum!" Remus called from the porch, dragging Sirius through the hall while three people called back "Yes?" Remus smiled as Sirius chuckled a bit. Hope came pounding down the stairs and took Remus into her arms, kissing his cheek and forehead.

Immediately after Hope finished attacking Remus with her kisses, she started attacking Sirius with hugs and "If you hurt him, I kill you" but still, nonetheless, hugging her. 

"I'll go get chicken." Hope grinned, patting Remus on the cheek and bouncing into the sitting room.

"Mum, that's not his name." Remus called to her as xe watched her walk into the sitting room. Hope tutted. Remus stood close to Sirius, hips brushing against each others'. Sirius couldn't help but notice, she tried to move away but the wall was right there. She didn't want to cross any of Remus' boundaries but he didn't seem to be taking notice.

"Are you okay?" Remus asked as Sirius cringed at the thought of making Remus feel uncomfortable with her. Sirius looked at Remus and smiled, nodding. Remus smiled back as Hope came back into the hall, holding the cat from the photo on the groupchat. 

Remus took the cat from his mum's arms and she managed to kiss his cheek again, she smiled at Sirius and also gave her a light kiss on the cheek. "Get home safe, both of you." Hope hummed. 

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