Coming Out

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Idiot Person From Tattoo Place

Remus: hey

Sirius: hey

Remus: im bored so I decided to text you

Sirius: i cure your boredom?

Remus: im surprised you have friends

Sirius: :(

Remus: :)

Sirius: have you ever read song of achilles?

Remus: why wouldn't have I read song of achilles?

Sirius: im reading it rn

Remus: are you enjoying it?

Sirius: yeah I just got up to the bit Patroclus kissed Achilles

Remus: oo cool!

Sirius: can I know about ur friends?

Remus: sure

Remus: there's peter, you know them

Remus: there's Dorcas, she's my bestfriend, she goes by she/her pronouns and she's pansexual. She's bossy but most of the time it's only to keep us healthy, like I made the mistake of giving her a key to my apartment and she comes in every time I'm unmotivated to do anything and will annoy me until I get up, I love her though 

Remus: then there's Emmeline, she goes by she her pronouns and is lesbian. She's always willing to come to work if someone can't come in for a reason that day and normally she and Dorcas are left in charge if I happen to not be at work on a particular day. 

Remus: and there's Alice, she goes by she they pronouns and she's straight. She's super nice and a darling most of the time. They are dating one of my other friends, Frank. Frank's non-binary and goes by they/them pronouns, they're straight. Alice and Frank are very much in love and I can never put their shifts together because they end up never getting their jobs done, instead they just stare into eachothers eyes like lovesick puppies. But they're basically my second parents, they're two years older than me

Remus: and you know Barty, he's helpful and goes by he him pronouns, and he's gay. Always willing to help yk. lastly there's Benjy, he's probably the sweetest of my friends. He's good with problematic customers who don't respect workers. They go by he/they pronouns and he's gay.

Sirius: all of your friends seem so cool

Sirius: I think I like Dorcas' energy most, she reminds me of James, my best mate

Sirius: so there's James, he's a demi-boy and goes by he they. They're pansexual. He's the one who's family took me in after I was disowned. I've been best friends with him since we were eleven. He's a lot like Dorcas, always trying to get me up when I'm unmotivated to do anything but understanding when I'm really not in the mood

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