Pretty Person

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Barty got out of his car, holding a plastic bag with things from Morrisons. He slammed the car door shut and walked up to the front door of Regulus and Sirius' house that they had inherited from their Uncle Alphard. The door was painted dark blue with white specs on. Like the night sky.

He opened the front door, closing it behind him. He took his coat off, placing it on a hook next to the front door. Barty walked through the hall, looking into the doors leading up to the last room which was the dining room and kitchen connected with a glass door for the garden. 

"Reggie?" Barty called out into the large house. He walked to the glass doors, Regulus wasn't outside like she had said she was. Barty strained his ears to listen for movement in the house but instead he heard the water running from a shower. 

Only wanting to look after Regulus, he sprinted up the stairs, dropping the bag outside of Regulus' bedroom door. He opened the door to Regulus' bedroom, wet clothes had been abandoned on the floor. 

Barty walked to the bathroom door, knocking loud enough to overcome the sound of the water pattering off the ground of the shower. 

"Barty?" Regulus asked over the water. Her voice sounded shaky, probably from the cold. She probably was shaking. 

"Yeah, it's me. Can I come in or should I wait for you?" Barty offered, raising his voice, wanting Regulus to hear. It seemed like Regulus was thinking, because she had gone silent.

"Can you come in?" Regulus asked. Barty's hand ghosted over the doorknob, stopping, asking another question.

"Do you want me to come in the sho-"

"Yes." Regulus answered before Barty could finish. Barty came away from the door and walked out to get the plastic bag, leaving it inside the room and shutting the door. He started to take his clothes off, leaving them on the floor like Regulus had and he opened the door.

Barty stepped into the shower with Regulus, giving her a welcoming kiss to the lips. Regulus sighed, wrapping her arms around Barty. She was shivering, Barty wrapped his arms around her too and let the water cover them both.

"I got you the frosting you asked for. I also got Cookie mix so we can make them when you want to." Barty smiled, kissing Regulus' shoulder.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for making you come check on me." Regulus said, guiltily. Barty frowned, brushed her hair with his fingers. He shook his head. 

"You didn't make me. I was worried so I came, voluntarily. Because I care about you and your health, including your mental health. If you were upset, I'd come in a heartbeat. And I did. So stop saying nonsense." Barty whispered. Regulus made a happy noise in her throat. 

"Thank you." Regulus whispered back, pulling her face from his shoulder and kissing Barty again. 

"Are you warm enough to get out? And if you want, can you tell me what happened?" Barty suggested. Regulus nodded, turning to turn the water off. The last drop dropped to the ground as the two moved to get out. 

Barty wrapped a warm towel around Regulus first and wrapped another around his own waist for himself. Barty kissed her head, drying her body with the warm towel. By the time he had dried and taken care of Regulus, he was already, basically, dry. 

Regulus gave Barty some pajamas like she had the other nights he had stayed. Now, they lay in Regulus' messy bed. Barty would probably get around to tidying the room at one point which Regulus refused to tidy. 

"When I was really young, Andromeda would make Sirius and I jam sandwiches. I was really really young, I can't even remember it that well but Andy would normally give them to us secretly because there were strictly no snacks in our house. The only food we were allowed to eat was breakfast, lunch and dinner. And one time mu- Walburga caught Andy, she- I can't remember exactly what she did to Andy but she was bleeding. She said she didn't want to make us fat. But I remember in every little detail what happened to Sirius. I-I don't think anything happened to me because I was so young and I didn't understand. I don't wanna talk about what happened to Sirius but I'm never touching a jam sandwich again."

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