Picnic Date

32 2 0

Idiot Person From Tattoo Place

Remus: hii

Sirius: hello!

Remus: are you just coming over again? So we can walk together

Sirius: yeah, I'll be leaving soon, is that okay or do you need a little time?

Remus: oh no its cool, I'm already ready, I'm just making some food

Sirius: oh okay

Remus: what type of sandwiches do you like?

Sirius: i'm not bothered, I'll eat anything

Remus: cool okay, do you like chocolate cake? My mum brought some over and I doubt I'll finish it myself

Remus: actually that's a complete lie, I would finish it myself if I left it on my counter so it's best to take it anyways

Sirius: yeah I like chocolate cake, I bought lots of biscuits and stuff from morrisons 

Remus: okie dokie, I have that cliche red and white blanket that everyone has in the movies especially for picnics so I'm bringing it

Sirius: I have a feeling you bought it for the main reason of picnics

Remus: I did, I also have a basket that I'm bringing with me to put the food in too

Sirius: you cannot tell me you do not live in a world of fiction

Remus: I do, I can't lie, I own a café and a bookshop, I have two dogs named after Greek people from a gay book, I am gay, I have a cat, my apartment is covered in plants and fake vines and is made to be decorated like a castle, my goal is to welcome everyone with open arms, I have an amazing imagination, I want to own a cottage, I have great parents and I'm being taken out by, basically, a God so I'm living the life

Sirius: you're what I wanted to be when I was a kid until I saw someone with a motorbike and I had to be them

Remus: BAHAGA 

Sirius: but thank you for calling me a God 😌

Remus: no problem

Remus: do you not mind the things I've set? Like the boundaries and stuff, I know it seems really stupid not letting you hold my hand and all but it doesn't mean I trust you any less, I just don't want to go fully in straight away. It's really not that I don't trust you, its just I don't want to hurt myself or you

Sirius: Remus, I seriously don't care. I'll gladly not hold your hand or kiss you until you feel comfortable enough to do that. If I'm being completely honest, I'm glad you did set boundaries because I don't think I could handle going straight in, I really think you're a great person and from knowing you since you came into my shop, I really think you're right for me

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