Five Rats and a Bee

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Remus: hey

Sirius: hey 😏

Remus: bye.

Sirius: :(

Regulus: drugs

Regulus: huh why did I type that


Dorcas: im so tired

Dorcas: my ma wants me to help her move into her knew house and I CANT BE BOTHERED 

Barty: tell her that my dad will help bc apparently they're dating

Dorcas: WHAT

Barty: yeah they've went on multiple dates

Dorcas: NO

Marlene: whats so bad abt that?

Barty: Dorcas doesn't wanna be related to me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 


Barty: ur ma was over his last night

Dorcas: STOP


Barty: 😏😏😏😏

Peter: im lost

Remus: cry for help

Peter: no I'm seriously lost

Peter: and I look hot today and I don't really fancy being hit on while I have no idea where I am

Regulus: check on Google maps?

Peter: where did you get the brains from 

Regulus: ur mom

Sirius: it's so unfunny that it's funny

Lily: I hate Billie Eilish, and when she comes out with a good song, suddenly everyone's like "omg she's so cool" LIKE NO SHE QUEER BAITED AND IS DATING A RACIST

Remus: my family gc is called #Cancel Billie Eilish 1975

Barty: biggest flex is that I'm in that 

Alice: it's basically not even a family gc, it's just Remus' parents and his friends

Emmeline: Alice, they adopted us.

Remus: ive got plenty of parents to go around!

Frank: PLS

Remus: I wanna write a book and I was planning it out in my head and I didn't realise that I had made two men fairies (gay stereotype if anyone is dumb to not know) and I didn't realise till I woke up with morning

Peter: cancelled ❌

Peter: also I found a crochet shop and they do rats!

Peter: Elvis Presley deserves a friend

James: oh btw a lot of people are coming to the party in a weeks time so if you feel uncomfortable with a lot of people, you don't have to come or anything and if it gets too crowded, no one will be allowed upstairs so yous can go up there if you need a moment!

Dorcas: you're so sweet

James: :D

Peter: Remus how is Achilles and Patroclus doing

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