Regulus is a Talented Artist

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Sirius had ended up staying a little later at Remus' than expected. Remus had asked if he wanted to stay and they could finish the food. Siriua took the offer and it began to get later and later, neither cared.

Remus had the heating down for Sirius' sake but was covered in blankets. Mools was purring on Remus' Lap while Achilles and Patroclus had found comfort on Sirius' lap.

Their conversations had begun to get lighter since they were both tired. Remus noticed that they were both almost drifting off, je didn't want to ask Sirius to leave but he also didn't have a spare room. 

"If you were wanting to stay here, I don't have a spare room. You can sleep on the couch if you want. But trust me, it's not comfortable." Remus yawned, Sirius shook his head, forcing himself up from the couch. 

"I'll call Regulus to pick me up." Sirius said, looking out the window to see how dark it was. Remus made a noise of amusement in his throat, rolling their eyes.

"I'm sure she'll be so happy that you're waking her up at 10 o'clock at night." Remus teased. Sirius turned to Remus with wide-eyes and then his expression turned sheepish. 

"You can stay if you'd like, do you want some pajamas?" Remus asked, picking up Mools and standing from the couch. Sirius shook his head.

"I'll just wear my shirt and boxers." Sirius told Remus, smiling. Remus nodded and kissed Sirius' cheek, lightly, bidding him a goodnight. Xe walked back to their room, Achilles and Patroclus following him. 

Sirius sighed and got out his phone, sending a quick text to Regulus that he wouldn't be coming home because he didn't realise the time. Regulus responded with a short 'Okay'. 

Fruit Salad


Marlene: no one asked you to not freak out

Marlene: Wait, you're staying over? I thought they didn't want to go into things quick

Sirius: we didn't realise the time and I didn't want to make Regulus get out of bed

Reggie: good choice or I would've castrated you

Sirius: oh.

Reggie: chop chop


James: are you sleeping with it

Sirius: no I'm sleeping on his couch

Sirius: boundaries

Lily: Yes

James: also yk how I was gonna get bottom surgery

James: I can't anymore

James: plus I want kids

James: last time I checked I can't birth out of a cock

James: And I don't want to adopt

James: maybe foster, the fostering system is fucked up

James: but I want a biological kid

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