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After the meeting and getting ready, the pair decided to walk to the mall, rather than take transport. Walking down the path covered in brown leaves as autumn was filling the air, the leaves falling gracefully as they made their journey to the ground, ready for winter and snow to roll through. The concrete path was filled with the crunching brown leaves, sending the sounds around as the pair walked through.

"You okay halfy?" Bakugou asked, breaking the silence they were in since they left the dorms. He could tell there was something on the bi-coloured males mind. The way he stared at the ground, blinking not as much, his pupils staying the one size and not moving at all. His slightly parted lips, hands deep in his jacket.

"Mhm?" he said, blinking a few times before looking at bakugou, with a confused expression. Though he knew he was deep in thought. Still having the strange feeling in his gut. Seeing how Katsuki keeps asking why he's so off today, it's making him feel a bit worried to tell him why. It's not that big of a deal, as well as he doesn't need Kat to worry.

"Ugh. you keep spacing out. What's on your mind dumbass?" he grumbled, getting fed up with todoroki's bullshit. Sure the introvert likes to stay quiet and not voice his opinions, or his thoughts but Bakugou thought he had been improving since they started dating in the middle of this year.

"I'm just....wondering what costume to wear. That is all." he lied, though it was half the truth. He really had no clue what to wear to the party on Wednesday.

"Bullshit." Bakugou stated rather harshly and almost immediately. There's no way that's what he had been so focused on thinking about.

"I'm being honest. I have no clue, though I have a few ideas...what about you? Do you know what to wear?" he asked, changing the subject on to the other male, next to him.

"Don't turn this onto me...and yes, i fucking know what to wear, and relax i think i know what to get you to wear." he said smiling rather devilously. Todo kinda moved away, worried. Please dont be a fucking princess dress or something, he already wore one when he was 6 when he was able to get away from his old man to go to his sisters princess party.


They ended the conversation there. Arriving at the mall at the perfect time for lunch. Making their route to the food court they made the obvious choice to order sushi, todoroki getting two salmon and avocado, while katsuki ordered 6 spicy tuna rolls and one chicken and avocado with wasabi and ginger.

Finding a nice place to sit in the slightly noisy area they enjoyed each other's company while enjoying their meals. Both sitting in silence as they thought about where to buy their costumes or for todoroki's sake, what to buy.

"So...i was thinking...we could go to that one halloween store...that only opens in october." Bakugou said, through mouthfuls of sushi, good thing Iida isn't here, or he'd be hearing his 100th lecture from the guy about talking with food in your mouth.

"Isn't that store really expensive?" Todo asked, he's never really been there, nor did he have a reason, this is sort of his first halloween party, the last one he had to leave because his father was being an ass about something and Fuyumi needed him.

"It's fine. I can pay." Bakugou reassured his partner. Yes the store is a bit expressive, but todoroki is worth every cent. Not that he would ever admit that.

"Why don't I pay, I still have my fathers card, so it won't matter if he loses a couple of dollars." Todoroki spoke. He stole his dad's Credit card a few months ago, when he was being the douchebag he was, but he has yet to return it. Not that he wanted too.

"You pay for everything, now it's my turn." It was true, the bi-coloured male does pay for nearly everything, unless it's Christmas presents or birthday presents for himself. Even the sushi they were eating he bought, so now it was Bakugou's turn to hold the bill.

"Alright then, we'll do you wanna start heading there now, I have finished my sushi." Todo said, starting to clean up his scraps.

"Yeah, we can leave now." Bakugou said, following the same actions as todoroki. They both made their way to the trash bins before they began their shopping journey.


After having a look for a while, they still had no clue what to buy, well for todoroki anyway, bakugou was looking for two costumes in particular. Though struggling to find them.

"Ugh, I looked on the website last night, they should still be in stock." He grumbled, moving costumes out of the way on the racks, to see one after the other.

"Perhaps if I knew what you were searching for I could be of some assistance." Todoroki said, having his own Browse for whatever reason.

"That would spoil the fun Icy, just let me keep looking." Bakugou responded, walking past him to the other side to look at the costumes on the other side.

Todoroki just sighed, continuing his look, until he stumbled across an interesting costume he knew was perfect for the blonde. "Hey babe, what about this?" Todoroki called taking the costume that was in a nice bag off the rack.

Bakugou grumbled walking over seeing the male holding the bag up, he smiled cheeky though katsuki was pissed, he was holding up a costume with a dark forest green coat with a fluffy hood, a white shirt with holes at the top and bottom, dark navy blue pants, chains for the wrists, a red collar with a chain hanging down the front, with ears and a tail. It was a cat costume.

"There's no fucking way I'm wearing that!." Katsuki yelled, his angered scowl planted on his face, though Todoroki just raised a brow.

"Come on, it's perfect for you, cause you're a kitty Kat." Whinked todoroki though he surprisingly said it monotone. Bakugou grumbled walking up to the male getting a better look at the costume, unfortunately the one he was hoping to wear wasn't here so he might have too.

He just walked past him, knocking him in the shoulder as he went to go find the costume he wanted todoroki to wear.

Todoroki sighed as he lowered the costume, placing it back, until the pain again in his lower area suddenly felt a bit more intense, like a burn. Clenching his stomach with both hands he thought of ways to get rid of the pain, he had no Panadol to stop it, so that wasn't an option he just stood there hoping it would subside, even if it's not by much.

"Ah, huh." Came the voice of his partner, pancaking he lowered himself to make it look like he was doing his shoe laces,

The blonde looked down a few isles till he saw his boyfriend crouching on the ground doing his shoe laces, walking over with the costume he knew would be perfect for the male, "Oi, icy what about this for you?." He asked, though he was already going to get it.

Todoroki looked up, standing up slowly and kinda hesitantly which the blonde clearly didn't notice as he looked at the costume. It was a very detailed vampire costume. "What is it?." He asked.

"It's a fucking vampire costume extra!" He yelled pointing to the costume. How does the idiot not know what a vampire is? "And it's your costume." He said shoving it to the taller male.

"I see. Do you know what costume you're going to wear?." He asked, leaning on the rack, the pain was still there and he was finding it difficult to stand without wanting to clench his stomach, bend over, or sit on the ground.

"No, they don't have the costume I was hoping to wear, and nothing here I've seen is right for me." He said, pissed, hands on his hips as he looked at the man whose hair looks like a candy cane. Noticing the way he's leaning on the rack of costumes. "You alright icy?" He asked, squinting slightly.

The way Bakugou was looking at him made him sweat drop, the worry in his eyes, like earlier when he was asking why he kept spacing out, If he tells him this, he'll be more concerned, and todoroki doesn't need him to be concerned about something that isn't serious. "Yeah I'm fine, though we still have the cat costume you could wear." He raised a brow.

Bakugou sucked in his lips, rolling his eyes as he walked over, taking the costume off the rack where he saw it, making his way to the cash register, todoroki following behind.


Aksksks sorry this is posted late Wattpad was like "nah bruh you ain't gonna post from google docs." So like mhm it finally decided to work so enjoy this chapter my dudes.


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