𝟡 . ✌️🤪

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After getting ready for school in their uniforms and packing their bags they made their way towards the common area, both pouring a bowl of corn flakes. Sitting opposite each other as they ate, but while eating Bakugou was carefully watching todoroki, something was definitely up with him, his eyes seemed to want to close and he seemed to be holding his spoon rather weak like he couldn't hold it.

"Hey guys, mine if we join you?." Kirishima said as he stood looking between the two with Kaminari and Sero behind him also holding cereal. Though Bakugou didn't answer they just took their seats on either side of the blonde smiling as they did.

"Whoa todoroki you need some sun." Kaminari said, pointing to shotos face, noticing how pale he was, this guy seriously doesn't get out much.

"Dude that's not manly saying that" Kirishima commented, yeah he looks pale, but you don't say it like that, you gotta be nicer not a dick.

"What do you mean?" Todoroki questioned what they were discussing. If he was pale, how come Katsuki didn't point it out?

"You look pale man, you need sun or a toilet." Sero said, trying to tell him he either didn't get out much or he ate something bad last night, cause that pale is making him look like he's going to puke.

"Kat?." He asked for reassurance if he did indeed look like a ghost who was haunting the dorm building and everyone in it.

"Yeah you look like someone hit you with flour or something icy." Bakugou said, like he was brushing it off taking in a spoon full of food. A bored expression. He knew Todoroki looked pale, he noticed it this morning, and how around his eyes were pink, the way his scar was brighter.

Todoroki was a bit offended that he didn't say he looked like the ghost of UA, Kirashima seemed worried though he hates that. He would have at least thought Bakugou would have been, especially after this morning when he almost came face first with the floor. Unamused, he pushed his chair back forcefully, standing up and taking his bowl to the sink with a monotone expression.

The four were confused about his actions. Todoroki placed his bowl in the dishwasher, walking away without making eye contact as he entered the shared male bathrooms.

The redhead and electronic blonde and emo looking teen, looked to Bakugou with a knowing look of 'what the fuck' it was clear he pissed off todoroki and now he's paying the price. "Why are you nerds looking at me like that?" He grumbled, he hated getting the stares he was being received from the three.

"Why did you do that?" Was all Kirashima said, taking in a spoonful of his own cereal.

"How the fuck do you know it was me, you guys were the ones who insulted him for saying he looked pale." Bakugou barked back, he didn't say anything rude to him.

"Yes but did you say he looked pale or did you say he looks like someone threw flour on him, cause if it was me hearing that from my boyfriend I would have electrocuted him so hard I'd go brain dead." Kaminari started, "especially in the tone you used." He added, slurping on his milk as he drank it from the bowl.

Bakugou just stared him down as he slirpt, though he didn't mention he looked pale when they woke up cause he knew he'd say he was fine, but then again, you never know unless you don't ask. Fuck, Todoroki was probably expecting him to say something if he looked like a ghost. Rolling his eyes he stood up with his bowl, leaving the three.

As the blonde left Denki was the first one to speak. "Did you guys see that though?." He asked, whispering.

"See what?." Questioned the emo looking wanna be.

"On their necks." He pointed to his own neck, telling them he saw something on them.

"Their dating man, what do you expect?" Sero said, yes, he did notice the boys necks dotted in spots and not the chicken type.

"Wait, were those hickies? I thought someone like, did something?." Kirishima said, looking between the two, he wasn't sure what they were but he didn't know they were bruises.

"Dude they did do something." Kaminari said, giving a knowing look to the redhead.

"Gross dude." Sero said, standing up.

"I'm just sayin." Defended the blonde, as he watched the two get up and walk away.


Putting his dishes in the dishwasher, Katsuki went to go to the bathroom where he saw the male enter, only to see him having a conversation with the short greenhead male in the hall. Quickly hiding he put his back against the wall. He knows he shouldn't be listening in on their conversation but.

"Todoroki-kun I really think you should be in bed sleeping or trying to get better, you really don't look well." He heard midoriya speak.

"I really feel fine,there's no need to worry midoriya."He listened as Todoroki responded.

"You don't look that good, you look p-."But as the green head was speaking he heard the other voice speak over him.

"Like I need sun? A toilet? Perhaps that someone has chosen to throw flour on my face?" He could hear the teen was pissed, he didn't need to see his face to know.

"That was oddly specific." Midoriya stated, clearly someone had said this to him, and he didn't like it at all. "Did someone say those to you?" He asked.

"Those someone being Sero,Kaminari and Bakugou, yes." Shit, he knew he was in trouble when the boy called him that, he didn't think it was that big of a deal, sure he said it but still.

"Wait kacchan said that? I mean he's never really being good at understanding when he's pushed too far I guess, come to think of it, I'm not that surprised he said something like that, well to you yes I guess that's a bit odd, but it's not unnatural for him to insult someone, I mean he insults me daily, but you I thought he'd stop but I gu-."

"Your rambling midoriya." Commented Todoroki, he only caught the first few words of what the shorter boy was talking about.

"Sorry todoroki-kun....hey do you want to walk to school with Iida, Uraraka and I?" He asked with a huge smile on his face, it's being a little bit since they last walked together, and hopefully this will get his mind off of the whole 'Bakugou situation'

"I'd enjoy that thank you midoriya." Todoroki said, though Bakugou didn't notice before that the two had their bags already on their shoulders, he moved away from the two towards the sink we're he made it look like he was doing something.

When he heard the big door shut he let out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding in, walking towards the elevator where he went to get his bag to head to school, looks like he's walking by himself.

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