𝟙𝟚 . ✌️😳

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Todoroki was walking down the hall towards his room when he heard laughing coming from it, sounding a lot like the blond's. Perhaps he was watching some video on his phone. Calmly he opened the door, but not to see the blonde laughing at a video, but him and the spiky grimson redhead kissing in the middle of the room.

"Kat." He said softly, getting the two males' attention, bakugou looking at him almost in disgust, like his whole presence was enough to make him want to gag. "Wh-what are you...doing?" He asked, almost breaking out into sobs right at the door way.

"What? You actually thought I'd want to be with someone like you Half'n'half bastard." Laughed the blonde, holding on to the redhead's waist. "You can't give me the satisfaction I want anyway." snarled Bakugou, Kirishima laughing.

It was true, what could he give him that the redhead couldn't, but why do this now, especially when coping with such a difficult thing. "You said you'd be with me no matter what!" He yelled, the tears spilling from his eyes like a broken dam.

"Why would I be with an extra like you, you're sick aren't you? It's not like you'd be here for that much longer." He said, smiling almost like a villain. It was too much for Shoto.

"Why?!." He yelled. "Why do this when I need you the most!" Pointing to himself. "I wish I could give you what you want. But it's not my fault." He cried, hugging his stomach as the tears kept falling, his vision going blurry, the world spinning.

Bakugou walked toward the crying male, placing his hands on his shoulders. Todoroki looked at him in his red orbs. "Wake up." Was all said.

Shoto queried a brow confused by his words, what was that supposed to mean.

"You idiot, wake up!." He shouted this time, shaking shotos shoulders harshly. In one quick moment everything came clear. He jolted up, bakugou falling to the side as he was on top of him. Todoroki sitting up straight trying to take in the surroundings. He was in his bed, sweat beaded on his forehead, sticking strains of hair to it, his chest rising fast, his body shaking at an uncontrollable pace.

"Hey, hey baby it's alright." Came the voice of his lover, turning his head he saw Bakugou sitting up next to him, looking at him worryingly. The images of what happened came rushing back to his mind, causing him to break into a fit of sobs. Turning his body to the side he leaped into the boy's bare chest, his arms wrapping around his shoulders, head in the crook of the blonde's neck as he cried.

Bakugou was absolutely confused as fuck. He woke up to the sound of whimpers before opening his eyes to see Todoroki curled up in a ball, tears spilling from his eyes. Mumbling things like, "you'd be with me no matter what?." And "why do this when I need you the most." He was so confused. But he needed to wake him up, shaking him slightly and whispering. "Icy wake up." Nothing. "Hey babe it's a nightmare, wake up." Still no signs of him waking. Pissed, he pushed the boy into his back, leaping into his lap, shaking his shoulders. "Wake up." His response was a small mumble of a "what." So he shouted, shaking harder. "Idiot. Wake up!" Without a warning the boy leaped up, pushing him off him and back to where he was.

(( everytime I type on my phone 'and' spell checks to 'abs' and 'on' spell checks to 'in' like BISH LET ME TYPE ))

He pulled the crying boy down as they hugged in bed. After a while he noticed Todoroki's sobbing quietly. His body was not shaking as much as it was before, though his breathing was still a bit unsteady. "You okay?" He asked, rubbing soothing circles on Todoroki's back.

Shoto shook his head no in response. He wasn't okay, how could he, reality finally struck, he broke, holding and hiding all these emotions became too much and it all came flooding out in one quick motion. Bakugou is for sure going to leave him when he tells him on thursday. He'll be all by himself having to deal with this on his own.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Bakugou asked. It was clearly a very traumatic nightmare, but he didn't understand what it meant. Who was leaving him? What did he mean by "at a time like this?" what's going on in that brain of his. Unfortunately he wasn't very comfortable, both lying on their sides while Todoroki had his arms around his neck and Katsuki had his around shoto's waist, he would tell him to move and hug him in a more comfortable position but. Maybe asking him to move isn't the right thing to do right now.

"Not really." whispered the shaking teen. Yes. yes he does, but not here, not now. If this was at school or somewhere where they were sitting and not lying in bed with a good chance of bakugou charging him to the hospital or leaving him in the cold bed by himself.

The blonde was kinda hurt, he didn't want to talk about it. Why is he keeping secrets from him? Bakugou tells him everything and yet in reply he gets nothing. A healthy relationship needs honesty and no secrets, unless it was a surprise birthday party but that's besides the point. If it's enough to make the male cry and have nightmares then it's clearly something important. He removed his hands slowly from the sad boy's waist, pushing him back a bit to look him in his eyes.

Both males lying on the one pillow, Todoroki adjusted his hands so they were now around the ash blonde's waist. Bakugou gently patted Todoroki's red and white hair, calming him. "Do you not trust me?" he whispered, you could hear that he was hurt in his voice.

Shoto whined his eyes slightly, is that what he thought, is that what it sounded like, it wasn't that at all, he was just scared, he is scared you're going to leave him. Not because he didn't trust the blonde. "Of course not." he responded, sniffing slightly. 

"Then why aren't you telling me what's going on? Did something happen between you and your sister? Cause you've been off ever since you came home that day." he whispered. It was true, that afternoon when he came home crying, he hadn't been himself, and he thought maybe his ass of a dad was there, though the Canadian flag claims things have improved between the two, you can never be too sure.

Of course, it seemed that way, because he lied he went to see his sister to help her with something. When he didn't, he didn't even go, so he could understand why he thought that. "No nothing happened between fuyum and i." he said.

"So why have you been so down lately, sleeping in class, looking so pale, talking less than usual, to me definitely." Bakugou said no longer whispering, removing his hand from shotos hair.

Todoroki lowered his head, he wanted to tell him, he really did, but he wanted to enjoy as much time as he could with the blonde before he ditches him, that's why instead of telling him on Wednesday, he's telling him on thursday, that way they enjoy the party together. "I'll tell you everything soon. I promise. It's just right now I'm not ready." he spoke softly.

That pierced Bakugou right through his heart. He's not ready, when will he be? It seems there's nothing he's ready for, nothing he wants to do or say to the blonde. He had to keep his cool, if it was the old him he'd be blowing the whole dorm down until he spoke, but he needs to relax and actually think for once about his action, though it made him sick the male made him soft, he needed to be a supportive partner, boyfriend and friend to todoroki. "When will you be ready?" he needed to know. He had to know.

"Thursday afternoon, here. I'll tell you. And the class." he said, he needs his friends around to help him when bakugou blows up, to stop him from panicking. Though he knew saying that would make the blonde more desperate, he should at least be honest about one thing for now. 

In front of the class. Was it that important? He's not leaving UA is he? No he can't. Not when he loves him. He needed to not think of such negative things, he needed to be respectful of his decision. If he wanted to tell bakugou and the rest of the class that's his choice. "Okay...let's go to sleep, you look like shit." he said, a devilish smile trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Todoroki just scoffed, pulling the blonde closer, placing his head under the blonde's chin, as he rested it in his red and white hair, both relaxing as they fell into a deep slumber, bakugou taking a few hours longer, Thursday couldn't come sooner, and little did they know, Todoroki's time was running out.


Oh what's gonna happen ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) find out soon see yall later

C .

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