𝟞 . ✌️😭

334 9 18

Todoroki entered the cancer clinic more nervous than he was when he left, but he had nothing to be nervous about, he's ninety percent sure he doesn't have cancer.

Walking towards the reception he saw a young male typing away on his keyboard. He had short light blue hair with a few streaks of baby pink in it, wearing clear glasses with nicely coloured eyes. Approaching he waited till they were done typing.

"How can I help you?" He asked. Todoroki instantly recognized the voice as the one he heard on the phone. As well as the name badge read 'Tatashi'

"I have an appointment." He said, placing his hands on the counter "At 11:30." He added.

A bit more typing the males eyes lit up. "Ah yes, todoroki?." They said, though it sounded like a question so Shoto nodded his head. "Excellent, can I have you sign this for me, then it won't be long before Dr Keahi will see you." He stood up, placing a pen on top of a clip board with a sheet of paper on it, pushing it towards the teen. Todoroki, smiling small, took the clipboard, taking a seat by the window.

After signing the paper and giving it back to the reception he waited at the seat he was in earlier, looking through Instagram. Though a message popped up at the top of his screen.

💥Kitty Kat💥
Hey just checking in wondering how things with your sister are going?

He smiled at the phone at the message, though it quickly faded as he remembered he lied to him, saying he was with his sister when he wasn't, instead getting a cancer test.


Was all he was able to respond with, he wished it was more, but he didn't want to dig a deeper grave of lies, saying it was just 'good' is him taking a safe route rather than making things worse than they already were.

"Todoroki." Came a call as a tall older looking male in a white coat entered the room from down a small hall, calling his name.

Hesitantly he got up from the chair, approaching him, the male smiled as he turned around getting him to follow him. They entered a small office, he gestured with his hand for him to take a seat in the chair opposite the fancy looking one behind the wooden desk. Sitting down he waited.

The male took a seat, flapping his coat behind him a bit. "I'm Dr Keahi, it's nice to meet you, though you seem a bit young to be getting a test." He questioned as he picked up the sheet of paper Todoroki signed earlier.

"Yeah it is a bit strange I guess, seeing a 17 year old, like me." He said rather monotone, though he had his facial features relaxed as he didn't want to make a bad impression.

"You're not my first though." He smiled, which kinda made Shoto a bit more relaxed. "Now, here it says you have a lump located on your left testicle correct?" He asked as he read through the paper.

Hearing that made Todoroki more nervous than before. Though he knows this, so why is hearing this doctor say he has it make it really hit him with what's actually happening. He nodded slowly.

"Okay, well we're going to go into the next room, we're If it's alright with you if I can see it? Then take a few tests" He stood up as he spoke, though Shoto stayed. See it? He's going to look at it.

He shot up quickly, not even thinking of the words that left his mouth. "I have a boyfriend."

The doctor seemed a bit taken back, though relaxed, chuckling a bit. "It's alright son, it's just to see what kind of lump it may be." He reassured Todoroki, though it's a common thing for people to say when he asks.

They entered the testing room where there was a bed and a curtain around it, where the doctor did a few tests and....looking. He had the teen pee into a cup to get the full test if he did indeed.

The doctor stuck a thin piece of paper into the cup waiting for the results to show, while he talked to todoroki. "Well before I look at the test I'll just have you know that the lump is quite a large size, so if it is I'd say it's in a pretty high stage." He said sitting in his chair. He's already done a few tests and he doesn't want to give Shoto the diagnostics if he doesn't have the final part.

After the paper changed and the rest of the results finished they retired back to the office, where surprisingly he's getting his results today, he thought he'd have to wait a few days but apparently not.

"So todoroki." He started. Holding both his hands together on top of the desk, he had all the results on one sheet of paper in front of him.

This made Shoto panic, he doesn't have it, he can't have it. There's no way. "Just say if I do or if I don't."He said not making eye contact with the male.

"You have stage ll testicular cancer."

Cancer. You have cancer. You're sick, and now you have to find a way to tell katsuki. Shit. "Okay." Was all he was able to say.

"I know it's hard, son, but it can be cured." This caught his attention. "With the stage it's at, and the size of it. You can get it surgically removed." That's not what he wanted to hear, have his....removed. "There's a chance with how much it's spread it could lead to fatal consequences, so I think you should get booked in at the hospital for it to be removed on the thirty first."

"What? I can't do that date." Todoroki interrupted, as much as he wants this gone, he can't have it done on the date of the party, not with how excited katsuki is to have it, and everyone else if he didn't attend.

"Well the only time I can think of someone like you would be able to do is Saturday, if the surgery goes well you will most likely be able to leave on Sunday afternoon, that way you don't miss out on school." He said, as he did some typing on his computer.

"I can do Saturday." Shoto said, his heart beating faster with only a single word on his mind. 'one' he's only going to have one for the rest of his life, what if Bakugou doesn't want to be with someone with one, how will he be able to experience it with someone who will only have one.

"Okay I'll have you booked in at 10:34 for the cancer removal." The doctor said, with one last type at the keyboard, he stood up, handing the results on the sheet of paper to todoroki. "If you start feeling sick or anything, go straight to the hospital or call an ambulance." He said sturn, he's risking a lot for this kid to have a few extra days with the cancer, when it should really be removed asap.

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