𝟙𝟝 . ✌️🤩

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The rest of the day was fine, a few looks we're given to Bakugou and Shoto but they really didn't care. Shoto was feeling more tired as the day progressed, and his pain was definitely starting to last longer. He was worried about tomorrow but he needed to be able to manage to go for katsuki. No matter what.

Eventually it was Wednesday morning. Bakugou woke up earlier to the sound of knocking coming from his door. "Bakugou, Todoroki we're going to start decorating soon, so I suggest you get up and get yourselves ready for tonight." Came the unmistaken sound of their class Rep.

Sighing, he responded. "Okay fine four eyes now piss off." He heard the bluenette behind the door sigh, before footsteps started making sounds away from the door.

"Kat." A quiet voice came, bakugou sitting up against the bed head, looking down to see the boy with his eyes still closed. "I....I don't feel well." Him taking  breaths each time he spoke. He had a splitting headache, nauseous, warm and sweaty.

Bakugou slid back down, rubbing soothing circles on his back. "Do you want me to get someone? I can take you to the doctor or the hospital." He said generally worried.

Shoto shook his head, his eyes still closed, he was so tired, he couldn't open them, not to mention his lower area was hurting just that bit more. "Can...can I just stay in bed.....at least until tonight." He said making a deal, all he wanted to do was sleep.

"I don't know babe, you really don't look well." Bakugou said uncertain if he should leave him by himself, let alone not see anyone.

"If I start to feel worse can you call an ambulance, or if not tomorrow not matter what you take me." He knew he had to go, the doctor told him if he started to feel sick he had to go to the hospital so he was going to do that. Even if he had to wait one more day.

"Okay babe, we can do that." Bakugou agreed, though not once did the boy open his eyes and soon after replying, he heard soft snoring coming from the boy. Smirking, he placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, getting up out of bed, fixing the sheet and getting ready for a busy day.


Making his way down stairs he saw everyone in the common area ready to start decorating, momo wearing somewhat skin shown clothes, it seemed she was going to be making the decorations, though there were plastic bags lying around the couches so, perhaps some bought things so they weren't using all of momo's energy on making things.

"There's bak- no boyfriend?" Kirashima stopped his sentence when Bakugou came out from around the corner going to the kitchen putting two bits of toast in the toaster. No Todoroki accompanying him.

"No icy's crook." He said opening the fridge for the butter, and the strawberry jam to have on his toast.

"Oh that's not good, is he going to be alright for tonight?" Momo asked.

"The dude hasn't been well all week." Kaminari said, looking at Sero for confirmation in his words.

"Yeah, I would have been surprised if he was okay to help us with the dorm building." Sero said, adding his point to the conversation.

"Kacchan, maybe you should take him to the doctor." Midoriya suggested, he's this sick. It's probably a good idea for the teen to see someone for why he's being so under the weather.

Bakugou came out from the kitchen now with one butter and jam toast as he ate the other while the students were talking. "We are, tomorrow right now he wants to rest, so I suggest when walking on our floor you stay quiet. Got it!?" He angrily asked, everyone agreeing with him.

"Now let's get started with these decorations." Iida said trying to change the subject, though shotos health was important, this was just going to drag on for the whole day. The party starts at 7:30pm so they need everything ready so they still have time to get dressed in their costumes.


The day went surprisingly well and fast, orange and black strimmers rang across the roof, spiders, and ghosts hanging from the ceiling, pumpkins in all different corners of the room, fake candles to add a certain light to the room. (Fake because they didn't want to start a fire) a cauldron on the coffee table with mist coming out with the fruit punch made by Mina inside, orange cups surrounding it with all sorts of halloween styled things on them.

The kitchen had more of the messier and healthier food, where dinner was, and Desert being a Halloween themed cake made by Sato. Now all that is left is the costume part. Shoto luckily feeling better got up when Bakugou came in telling him it was time to get ready. Both taking their costumes out of their bags and laying every piece on the bed.

Shoto put on a white shirt, and black skinny Jean pants before placing a red and black male corset, seeking help from Bakugou to tighten it, tying up a white fluffy collar that hung out at the front, and the signature cape tying at the front, big red boots that went over his pants, though decided against wearing the fangs, applying gel to his hair to slick it back. His skin is already looking pale so no need to add makeup.

Bakugou put in his white shirt with a few holes in it, his blue pants that came with the tail, putting on the green fluffy jacket, the chains on his wrists and the red collar around his neck with the chain coming down, brown shoes that went under his pants and the cat ears, putting in his fangs and fake black claws. Both ready to go down.

They were the last ones down as Shoto was taking just a bit longer. Entering the room they saw everyone dressed up looking amazing, Uraraka was a witch, midoriya was a ghost, Iida was Frankenstein, Kaminari was a devil and.....kirishima was...little red riding hood?

"Hey it's todoroki." Said the redhead waving his arm around, everyone stopping what they were doing, turning their attention to the pair that walked in, Shoto holding on to one of the chains around the blondes wrist.

"Todoroki-kun, are you feeling better?" Said the short male, who was dressed as a very nice looking white ghost. Looking at Shoto with big eyes.

"A bit yes, I apologise for not helping." He apologised, he wished he could have helped, but he really didn't feel like moving. He came to the conclusion that he was going to wait an hour or two before telling the blonde he wanted to go to the hospital. He wasn't going to take his chances.

"It's fine, your Health comes first." Midoriya reminded, they all managed without Shoto. So letting him rest was a good idea, though he seriously did not look well.

With that everyone decided to get on with the party. People commented on the pair's costume, how Bakugou fitted him perfectly, how the bi-coloured gave him the nickname 'Kat' they played a few games of spin the bottle and truth or dare.

They talked about their future too, how many wanted to be pro hero's when they were older, some even wanting to have a family. That really had Bakugou questioning, maybe he and Shoto will have a family.

"Bakugou, are you planning on marrying Todoroki after you two graduate?." Asked Tokoyami, who was with the bakusquad minus the girls.

"Huh? What makes you say that dumbass."he said holding his cup filled up with the punch, todoroki was on the other side of the room talking to midoriya.

"No seriously bro are you? What if you guys have kids, will I be their uncle? Please say I will." Pleaded the redhead, absolutely thrilled he thought of that.

"Who says I'll do any of that shit, becoming number 1 is all that matters to me." He said. It was true ever since his quirk manifested he wanted to reach the top no matter what.

"Geeze man, don't think that's a bit selfish." Sero commented, what if Shoto wants to get married or have kids, doesn't he get a say?

"Look, that's far in the future right now, all that matters is that I stay with him and reach my goal." He wanted to marry Shoto and have a family, but his pride in becoming number one came first.


Oh and the party has started my peachies _

C .

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