Chapter 31

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(Luke's POV)

"You feeling better?" Tegan asks me. 

"Yeah, actually. Yeah a lot better." I answer while we put the borrowed guitars back in the closet.  

"Good, I'm glad." She says. "If those people are there again, we need to be absolutely on fire! And I don't care what Bobby thinks about the songs you chose. I really liked the set list."

"Me too. Bobby's just jealous." I lean one shoulder against the closet doors. 

"Jealous of what?" She smiles, also leaning against the doors. 

"Well you know." I hesitated and shrugged my free shoulder. "He just doesn't... you know, he doesn't have what we have."

"Yeah, you're probably right." She laughs. "We are pretty great." I just smiled, not saying anything. "What?"

"Nothing." I shook my head slightly. The room that was empty except the two of us, fell silent again. Only for a minute or two before the bell rang in the background, sending everyone to their next class. 

"I'll uh... See you after school?" She reached down, picking up her bag from the ground and throwing it over her shoulder. "We're gonna be great."

"Like always." I say. She turned walking towards the door, leaving me still leaning against the closet door watching her go. It wasn't till after she left I realized how close she was to me. 


"Where'd you two disappear to?" Alex says after meeting me at my locker before the last class of the day. 


"You and Tegan just, didn't show up to lunch." He says. "I mean I know where you went, but like why, what for?"

"I felt off, yesterday when we rehearsing." I answer. "I just asked her to help me run the songs again at lunch."

"With what?" He asks again.

"We just borrowed two of the schools guitars." I shut my locker. "It wasn't till we got down there, that we realized the we never wrote acoustic versions for 'Tripping Over Air' and 'Never Be' so we got those done."

"So did you actually run the songs?" He says. 

"I mean we ran 'Bright' a few times, but no, we didn't really get to the rest of them." I respond. "But I feel better about it."

"Hmmmmm." Alex wonders. 

"Hmmmm what?" I ask. 

"Your friendship, relationship, or whatever you want to call it. It's very intriguing." He nods. 

"Yeah, you've got that right." I answer. 

"Oh really? So what else happened?" Alex asks. 

"Nothing exactly happened, but there was this, odd moment of silence? Right before we had to go back to class." I explain. "But nothing happened, it was just a little intense, I guess? At least it was on my end." Alex smiles to himself, and puts one hand on my shoulder.

"I don't care what you do, about whatever is going on, since really it isn't any of my business, but all I ask is that you don't screw this up." He says, I opened my mouth to say something, he beat me to it though. "And don't you dare say 'what am I going to do about what?' Because when you like a girl, you are so bad at hiding it, it is hilarious. And really fun to watch."

"It's fun to watch?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. It's funny when I watch you progressively start to panic internally and get nervous whenever something happens with whoever the girl is." He answers. "Oh that make's sense as to why you were so sure of the set list. Tegan basically wrote all three of those songs."

Mine - Luke Patterson (PRE JATP)Where stories live. Discover now