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....Mk so.

To all of you who actually read this. Thank you!!! I'm glad someone actually does. But it is incredibly crappy..

Hence why....I'M GONNA REWRITE IT!!!! It'll have a different plot but still roughly around the same idea! But because it's gonna be different from this ending, I'll tell ya what happened here.


     Charlie finally asks Harper out on a date, she accepts and they end up under the mistletoe, kiss kiss, hug hug. Throughout the rest of the school year they develop their relationship and Harry and Hagrid are planning the wedding, and it basically ends like this:

     Harper let out a shaky breath as she pulled back, her eyes still shut but her lip curved into a smile.

     Charlie couldn't help but open his eyes, his face flushed pink from the temporary lack of oxygen. "I could get used to that." He whispered softly as he held her close.

     "Well, it might be awhile before I'll be able to do that again." She mumbled softly as she finally opened her eyes.

     Charlie raised a brow and smirked slightly. "Now whatever do you mean?" He asked as the train whistles behind them.

     "You're going back to Romania till Christmas." She pointed out, disappointment clear on her features.

     Charlie could only grin, "Not even close." He whispered, pecking her lips before he let go of her and reached into his coat pocket, shoving a letter into her hand before he picked up his bag. "See you soon!" He called as he started to run towards the train to board.

      Harper was baffled. "Charles Weasley! Get back here and tell me what you meant!" She shouted as she put her hands on her hips. "Read the letter!" Was all she heard before he was in the train and the wheels started to turn.

     Sighing softly and rolling her eyes she looked at the piece of crumpled paper and slowly unfolded it.

     Mr. Weasley.

     Your request of being Ms. Potter's assistant as well as her substitute has been approved. As well as your request to take over for our Care of Magical Creatures teacher when the time comes.

     All teachers will need to be at Hogwarts a week prior to the beginning of the school year.

           Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

     Snapping her head up she watched the train. And even though he was in the train, he had the feeling his name was being shouted.


The name of the new version is 'A redhead in the 70s'.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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