04: History and...Flaming stuff.

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     Harper was a worrying mess, her eyes burning from the lack of sleep she had received that night

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Harper was a worrying mess, her eyes burning from the lack of sleep she had received that night. She had hurried back to the room her and Regulus shared and changed into a oversized knitted sweater and a pair of dark brown trousers, grabbing a few of her history books before she rushed to the class she was supposed to teach.

     Busting in through the door and leaning against the wall, she offered a sheepish smile to the students, a few looking unhappy she was late. "Hey, kids." She greeted awkwardly, offering a small wave as she scurried towards her desk. Inhaling deeply before turning to look at the Gryffindor and Slytherin students behind her. Her eyes landing on a certain bespectacled brunette, green clashing with blue once more before she tore her gaze away.

     "As you know, I'm your new History of Magic teacher," she said shaking it. Shutting her eyes for a moment and breathing deeply.

     "Harper. You're a Slytherin through and through, so act like it!" She told herself. And after a moment, her confidence returned as she looked up to the students. "Pretend they're first years." She whispered before she offered a trademark Slytherin smirk.

     Putting her hand behind her back as she straightened her posture, "Now. If you don't like me or how I teach," she said slowly, her eyes traveling over the students, "make sure you tell it to someone who actually cares."

     Her words caused a snicker to emerge from two red heads, neither could be told apart from the other. They had mischief radiating off of them, along with red and gold decorating their ties.

"Now. Everyone, from eldest to youngest, form a line. Boys on the left! Girls on the right." She ordered, leaning back against her desk.

Harry couldn't believe it. Was this the woman who had fainted onto him last night? Who stood awkwardly at the Teacher's table when being introduced? Who was crying to Hagrid and Fang not even three hours ago about not being the family he deserved?

Apparently, it was.

Harry and Ron departed from Hermione and moved over to the left side of the class room, falling in with the fourth years at the end of the line.

And Harper had started with one boy, then had girl introduce themselves.

This continued until she reached Harry, nearly falling over on the spot but she managed to compose herself, giving his hand a firm shake like she had with any other student before they continued on until there weren't anymore students. Now, it was Harper's turn to introduce herself, Potter style.

Climbing on top of her desk she saluted them all, Lupa Hail, a seventh year Gryffindor, and Fred and George Weasley saluting her in return.

"I'm well aware that most of you know my name." She spoke, running a hand through her rather short hair, "But I thought I'd introduce myself anyway." She shrugged.

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