01: The recruitment of Regulus Black, and Harper Potter.

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In this, instead of the Triwizard Tournament, Regulus and Harper will become teachers instead. Hope you like it~!


As the scent of bitter coffee reached Harper's nose, she let out a sigh, leaning against the balcony of the apartment she shares with her dear friend, Regulus Black.

Who could not make a good pancake for the life of him.

"Potter!" As soon as her surenane name rang out through the walls, definitely disturbing the neighbors, she groaned in frustration, huffing quietly as she left the balcony, the soft pattern of pitter patters and the rumbling of thunder and flashing of lightning.

"Yes?" She hummed, stepping into the kitchen, scrunching her nose up in disgust when the smell of burning pancake batter replaced the refreshing smell of bitter coffee. "Regulus, you bloody nitwit!" She cried, grabbing the glass lid for the frying pan and quickly covering it as the fire alarm set off while she moved it from the hot burner.

     Covering her nose with the collar of her shirt as she poured cold water into the pan, causing more steam to rise though she clamped the lid back on, nearly gagging while Regulus offered a sheepish smile towards the woman.

     "I still don't understand how Muggles manage it!" He exclaimed. Running a hand through his hair as Harper put the burnt pancakes in the slop bucket.

     "For one, they don't let it burn!" Harper grumbled, putting the pan in the sink and rinsing it with cold water before she scrubbed it, rinsed it once more, and left for Regulus to dry,

"I suppose." He mumbled softly as he picked up the dry towel and then the pan.

Harper paused, slowly turning to look at him, "You suppose?" She asked, raising a brow. "Good Godric you're and idiot, Black." She groaned as she walked to the fridge, taking the milk out before grabbing two bowls and spoons. Taking down two cereals before muttering, 'Pick your poison.' Before pouring herself a bowl.

The man huffed and crossed his arms, sticking his tongue out at her, "Brat." He whispered, picking the same one she did and putting himself some in a bowl and then pouring the milk.

"Idiot git." She shot back, not looking up from her breakfast.

"Prideful Chaser."

"Fat seeker."


"Crap for brains."


Harper smirked and finally looked up, "Well. I am bisexual and a witch. So I guess I'm a bit-." "Potter! This is supposed to be child appropriate! Watch your mouth!"

She only huffed in response and grumbled under her breath, sticking her tongue out at him before she ate her cereal quietly. Regulus doing the same.

Then, after they ate and did their dishes. They would get changed and head out to their jobs for the day. Coming home and collapsing on the couch next to each other, telling the other of the crappy day they had before trudging off to their rooms to go to sleep.

This carried on for another few weeks until there was a knock on the door on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Whispering curses under her breath, Harper walked to the door and swung it open, "Look, we already paid rent and it's the room 394 making all the noi-" She cut herself off. Eyes going wide when she realized who was actually at the door.

A frail, tall old man with a very long beard, half moon glasses with his eyes twinkling behind them. Standing next to him on the floor was a grey tabby cat, and on the other side of him, was Severus Snape. "Hello to you too, Miss Potter." The man greeted.

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