02: Hello, Hogwarts...And long lost nephews?

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     Harper felt as though she was going to throw up

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Harper felt as though she was going to throw up. Her stomach was doing multiple flips, but not like when you find someone you like. Oh no. No no. Not even similar. It made her want to pass out or run to the nearest restroom and toss up whatever she had eaten on the train. Or even dive into the Black Lake. Yeah...That last one sounded nice...

The sight of the large castle brought back bad and good memories. Mostly bad. Especially for the female Potter. And some for that youngest Black.

"Hey James! James!" Harper called, a grin on her face as her green tie whipped around in the wind blowing while she ran to her brother, "Guess what I learned to do today!"

James on glared at his little sister, "I don't care." He growled, turning on his heel and marching away, Sirius and Peter hurrying after him while Remus stayed behind, placing a hand on the little girl's shoulder, "May I ask what you learned to do?" He asked softly as he sat down next to the willow tree, watching as Harper's bottom lip quivered, tears welling in her eyes from the tone of her brother's voice. Quickly wiping her eyes and looking to Remus before sitting down next to him, "I learned how to make things levitate." She answered softly.

"That's wonderful Harper!" Remus smiled, patting the top of her head, "May I see?" Harper nodded and pulled out her wand and grabbed a stick, 'Swish and Flick.' Doing the motion with her hand before she spoke, "Wingardium Leviosa!" She said, shutting her eyes tightly as she pointed to the stick, slowly opening one to see that she had accidentally pointed it at Remus at the last second, and now he was floating a few feet in the air, laughter bubbling from his lips as he tried to say the counter spell, soon bouncing back down into the ground, amusing shimmering in his eyes.

"That was wonderful Harper!" He smiled, ruffling her hair. "I'm proud of you, you little trouble maker!" He grinned. It was Harper's turn to grin, thoughts of her brother shoved to the back of her mind.

      "Thank you Remus!" She giggled, chatting with him for a few more moments before she was called away by Regulus Black and Evan Rosier. "See you later!" She called over her shoulder as she ran to the two males, waving back to Remus who had offered a small wave before he headed to find the three idiots he was supposed to keep in check.

     "Harper." Regulus' voice snapped her out of her trace like state she had gone into, "We're here." He said gently before leading her off of the train, hurrying towards the castle.

     After an hour or two, they were dining next to Hagrid, who was happily telling them about Norberta, intriguing Harper most as he mentioned Charlie Weasley and how he helped get the dragon to a safe haven. Which probably wasn't the best thing to talk about during supper with multiple people around...

     "That's wonderful, Hagrid! I'm glad that you didn't get caught." She said, patting him on the forearm, (since that was the only place she could reach.) thankful that the booming of laughter bouncing off the walls covered up the three's conversation.

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