-13- At least kiss her first!

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     Harper should've expected it

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     Harper should've expected it. She really should've.

As soon as she and Remus snuck in they went in by the door leading into the kitchen. They could hear Sirius' getting louder as they moved closer to the living room. They could heard Molly tell Sirius to sit down, they could hear Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Ron, and James, all keep telling him to lay off. They could hear Bill threaten to hex Sirius if he didn't listen to the others. They could hear Lily try to get Sirius to calm himself and was trying to keep her daughter from crying. They could hear Arther try to be the peace maker and be polite.

But what surprised Harper the most, (Remus could only shoot her a smug smile,) was when she heard Charlie. His voice was normally so gentle, so kind. But now it was firm, and rather demanding.

     "You will not come into my parents home, disrespect them! Disregard the fact that they have opened their home to you!" Harper and Remus peaked into the living room and were met with Charlie towering over Sirius. Charlie's 6'5 frame making it know just how short Sirius was in comparison. His blue eyes locked with Sirius' in a heated glare, his jaw clenched and his hands balled up into fists.

     "And you will not, talk down on a woman forced to do what was expected of her." His voice changed from loud and firm. To fairly low, and rather soft. But that only made him more threatening. Harper could see Sirius falter as Charlie stepped forward, forcing Sirius back. "Especially not when she has a heart made of gold. When she know full well, that what she did was wrong and she's trying to make up for it." His voice was starting to get louder. "You won't disrespect her in such a way, not when she thinks of herself as a terrible person for doing what she had thought was right. Not when you could've helped her away from the people that crowded around her, influencing her to think their way. But what did you do?" Sirius let out a noise when Charlie reached his hands out to grab his shirt, lifting him up off his feet a bit so he wouldn't have to strain his neck to look down. It made Sirius' bruise nose a bit more visible. Harper wondered why he hadn't used a spell on it yet. "Lily took his wand away and told him he would have to get his nose healed the 'Muggle way'." As if reading her mind, Remus explained why Sirius' nose was still showing damage.

Harper gave a small nod and went to walk towards Charlie, only to get held back by Remus. "No no! Let him finish!" He whisper yelled, pulling her back. Harper rolled her eyes and sighed, but complied with Remus' demands, seeing as she was rather curious on what else Charlie had to say.

"You drove her away." James visibly winced at Charlie's harshly said words. "You encouraged the idea that she was jut as bad as every Slytherin in your family! You were one of the reasons Harper never got to experience a loving family! Instead, she went to a family that showed her false love, and because she didn't know what it meant, to have a family that cared for her, she jumped at the opportunity." Harper felt her breath catch in her throat. She didn't know why Charlie was so dead set on defending her, but it made her feel warm and mushy, and a few tears were brought to her eyes.

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