06: I'm not going to judge you based off something I don't even understand.

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     Well. Harper felt like utter, and complete...Crap.

     It had been one week since the lesson with Charlie and she was quite a bit friendlier with him. Whenever she had the chance she would be out with him, both moving through the Forbidden Forest for something or another.

One incident landed them both in the Hospital wing, thanks to a run in with Bumbling Blembos, Harper and Charlie were stuck in the Hospital wing, scorch marks on them in random places. How that happened... Something neither wanted to talk about.

And now, it was the day of the ball and Harper was perfectly content to hide in the Astronomy tower, not having a dress packed along, and the mark would show no matter what she wore. Regulus had ended up getting asked by Lupa Hail, who had set her eyes on him and was determined to woo him and keep him for herself. So far, it was working.

At the current moment, Harper could hear faint bit of music coming from the Great Hall. Causing a small smile to tug at her lips. "The things Dumbledore does for the kids." She mumbled to herself, her legs between the poles of the balcony and her eyes looking up at the sky. Humming a tune to herself as she laid down on her back, wrapping the blanket she had brought with around herself. Letting out a content sigh after a few seconds.

The female Potter was unaware of a certain Weasley searching all over for her. Panic in his eyes. Was she ok? Was she sick? Did something happen to her?

     Thankfully his worrying was cut short by Regulus coming up to him, informing him that Harper was hidden away in the Astronomy tower for the night. And within a few minutes, he was at the entrance to the Tower.

     Inhaling a shaky break, he lowered the latter and crawled up, the noise of the trap door opening alert Harper that Charlie was there.

Turning her head to peer behind her she got a small wave from the man in black dress robes, "Love, what on earth are you doing up here?" He asked, moving to sit next to her. "Are my lessons going to waste?" He pouted playfully, earning a snort in return.

"Didn't have a dress, nor a partner, and I didn't feel like socializing." She shrugged, stiffening when he reached over to brush hair from her face. "Personal space, Weasley." She said in a warming tone, earning a sheepish smile in return. "Sorry." He mumbled as he retracted his had. "If you would have told me, we could've gone down to Hogsmead and gotten you a dress." He pointed out, "And I would've been happy to be your partner." He added softly, resting his hand next to hers, his fingers slowly inching closer.

     Harper smiled slightly, "Still doesn't solve not wanting to socialize." She pointed out, pausing after a second. "Wait, you didn't have a date??" She asked with furrowed brows, turning her head to look at him. "Nope." He shrugged, "I was kinda...waiting, to ask you." He admitted sheepishly, bringing a hand up to run the back of his neck, "But I never got the chance too because it never felt like the right time." He added with a sigh. "Though I almost ask McGonagall." He joked, causing Harper to let out a laugh.

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