-14- He has his heart set on being yours.

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     "He has his heart set on being yours

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     "He has his heart set on being yours." Lily's words rang in Harper's head throughout the rest of the day.

     That bit was obvious but when it was actually pointed out, Harper didn't know what to do. Did she act on those words or did she just stay quiet?

Whispering a curse under her breath she marched outside, plopping down in the green grass and laying down, her eyes fluttering shut as the moon looked down on her.

Supper had been slightly awkward. Sirius was quiet the whole time and Remus was the one left to make conversation with Percy.

The rest was slightly normal, only Harper was forced next to Lily and Ginny on her other side, the two both teasing her about Charlie and the woman only turned into a blushing mess through the rest of the evening. And now finally, she could sneak outside and relax.

That was, until she heard someone walk towards her and sit down. She raised her head to glare but it faltered when she saw the man next to her, swallowing thickly and resting her head as she looked up.

The two just laid there in silence for a while before the man spoke. "..So..You and Charlie?" "If one more person says a thing about that man before I can figure out what I feel I will commit a murder and make it look like a bloody accident. Got it, James?"

James let out a chuckle and nodded. "I'm guessing Lily got a hold of you?" "Yes! It was terrible! How do girls do that on a regular basis?" "No clue." He replied.

     Once again it was silent, but again, not for long. "I think I like him." Harper whispered, ranting a raised brow from James. "Think?" He asked, propping himself onto his elbows to get a better look at her.

     Harper huffed. "Yes James, think. The only other man I had feelings for was...Sirius." She admitted quietly.

     James sat up straight this time and looked at her with wide eyes. "You what-!" "James! Be quiet!" She hissed, sitting up and putting a hand over his mouth. "Wouldn't want all of America to hear you." She muttered as she laid back down, James followed after a minute.

     "Now just why did you find...him...attractive?" He asked curiously. "That's a stupid question." She chuckled. "But yeah, he was cute when I first met him, then I met Regulus and I used to sneak over to the Black manor, and..And I would see parts of Sirius you wouldn't see when he was hanging out with you or when we were at school." She said. "And..I don't know really, next thing I know, I like him." She admitted, running a hand through her hair. "I thought I knew the real him but..That didn't mean crap. He was still a jerk. And I'll be honest with you, I felt like I was being replaced when he moved in." Her voice got quieter with each word, nearly breaking at the end as a few tears clouded her vision.

     "But enough about that." She said, waving her hand to dismiss it as she wiped her tears. James looked as though he had something to say and he looked pained, but he stayed quiet. "But Charlie.." James couldn't help but notice Harper smiled as soon as she said his name. "He's just...So sweet!" James furrowed his brows, never, had he heard his sister giggle over a boy.

    "Unlike Sirius, Charlie made himself known to me, every side of him. And each day I still see something new. But James, I..I really do think I like him." She said, licking her lips as she looked up at the sky. "He's a giant teddy bear that respects his mother, knows how to handle his siblings, and when I first met him, I thought I saw an angel." James' mouth was covered once more by Harper. She didn't need him screaming her ear off. "And he used these stupid pickup lines! Adorable now that I think about it but he came off as such a flirt! At least now he's now so bad...Though I wouldn't mind the flirting." James nearly had a heart attack when he heart her whisper that last phrase. What on earth happened to his seven year old sister who convinced herself boys went to Jupiter to get stupider?

     Charlie knew he shouldn't have eavesdropped. He really shouldn't have...But he couldn't help it.

     He was walking out of the kitchen to go talk to Harper but stopped himself when he saw her talking to James.

     "-ius, Charlie made himself known to me, every side of him. And each day I still see something new. But James, I..I really do think I like him." Charlie's cheeks were just as red as his hair in a matter of seconds, if not redder. And the stupid, lovesick grin on his face just wouldn't go away this time. She liked him! She didn't want him to leave her alone, she liked him! Charlie Weasley, that's who she wanted!
"And he used these stupid pickup lines! Adorable now that I think about it but he came off as such a flirt! At least now he's now so bad...Though I wouldn't mind the flirting." Charlie's grin managed to grow.

     If only Harper knew how many times Charlie stopped himself from flirting with her. Now, he wouldn't have to!

Charlie quickly stepped back inside before he could let out a whoop of victory. For now, he had to figure out how to get Harper alone.

Now, Charlie was giving the twins 10 Galleons each to keep everyone away from his room for at least ten minutes.

Harper and James came back in around five minutes after Charlie, and Charlie was now trying to get her away from the rest of the group.

Sneaking up behind her as she talked to Bill about a blonde woman he liked from where he works, he wrapped both arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Has anyone told you how incredibly amazing you look today?" He whispered softly as he looked up at her, his lips curled into a smirk as she tensed up a bit and blushed darkly. "No? Well, we'll have to change that." He said, standing up straight and lifting her over his shoulder. "Bill." He said as he gave his brother a nod. Walking away with a slightly panicked Harper.

"Charlie I-don't-know-your-middle-name Weasley!" She hissed, grabbing the hand that was on her thigh as he walked up the stairs."Septimus." He said softly. "My middle name is Septimus, first name is Charles, Charlie is just a nickname." Harper licked her lips, "Charles, you said?" She asked, and Charlie couldn't help but enjoy how the name rolled off her tongue. "Bingo, Darlin'." He said as he reached the floor his room was on, opening the door and setting her down and gently pushing her in before he shut it and leaned against it.

"I don't mind if you call me Charles." He hummed, leaning down so they were eye level and gently brushing his nose against hers. Harper only blushed a bit more and walked over to the bed, huffing as she sat down and wrapped a blanket around herself. "Well, Charles," He grinned at that, "I trust you have a good reason for bringing me here?"

Pushing himself off the door he slowly started towards her. "Yes, actually." He hummed, leaning down once more, his arms on either side of her, supporting him as he looked her in the eye.

"We need to talk."

Rushed? Possibly.

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