03: First Days? I'll take a raincheck please. (Short Chap for Reggie,)

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     Regulus never felt more uncomfortable in his life

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     Regulus never felt more uncomfortable in his life. And that was saying something

     Slytherin students watched his every move and even asked for autographs, which he kindly refused. And Defense Against the Dark Arts...That will take some getting used to.

     They had gone over a review over what they had been taught, Hermione Granger being the one to answer every question he fired. He wondered why she was in Gryffindor and not Ravenclaw...

     Truthfully, it was painful when Crabbe would raise his hand before Hermione and try to answer...He had already figured out that Miss Granger would be his favorite student.

     And don't even get Regulus started on Draco Malfoy. Was that what he was like when he was younger? Good Godric he hoped not!

     He would have to write an apology letter to each of his teachers when the class was over.

And then there was Lupa Hail. A seventh year that got held back for three years. And but the heavens was she annoying! She didn't know when to keep her trap shut and kept trying to distract Regulus whenever she had the chance too. And it worked a few times...
Stupid Gryffindors...

     After a painful half hour, Regulus dismissed the class and worked around the room for a bit longer until it was ready for the next class....Oh how he wished he could curl up and cry but the end of the day.

     At lunch he had sat next to Harper, who had a small frown painted on her lips. She told him what had happened with the class and what happened with that 'Weasley doorknob', as she called him.

     Though they did disagree on Lupa Hail. Harper said she was an amazing student while Regulus said she wasn't all there.

     The rest of the day he went over what they had learnt before he was the teacher and he ended up having to explain the class to a few first years. (It is in the name! Kids these days.)

     But after grading a bit of homework he had them do and making sure he wrote down the rules and put them on the half of the blackboard he wouldn't need, (You can guess which two students made him write the rules down for them.) he was done for the day.

     All that was left was to eat dinner, and go to sleep. And that sounded so refreshing.

     Both him and Harper requested that they have one of the empty towers next to the Astronomy tower, and thankfully. Their request was granted. And they were in their beds peacefully until something crashed into the window.

     Nearly falling out of her bed, Harper held her wand up in defense as she stared at the window, where a loud thud had come from, slowly inching towards it with Regulus behind her.

     Slowly pulling it open, and owl flew in, the poor thing was old and it's feathers were falling off as it flew to Harper, landing clumsily on her shoulder and holding it's leg out, letting Harper take the letter attached it it.

     Harper's cheeks flames red as she read the words written rather messily on the paper, hissing curses under her breath as she got out a quill and ink, writing her reply on the same piece of paper before tying it to the owl's leg. Letting it fly away after feeding it.

    "Stupid Weasel." She hissed as she marched back to her bed, leaving Regulus to shut the window. He peeled out of the glass doors, raising a brow as he saw a mop of red hair receive  the owl, just on the tower next to their dorm. A laugh spilling from his lips as he read the answer, "Such a feisty one she is." He said with a dreamy sigh. The towers were close enough for Regulus to hear. So he only shook his head and made no indication that he heard the redhead before closing the windows. Smiling slightly at Harper, who was fast asleep. "He's going to need liquid luck with you, Potter." He whispered before going back to his bed for the night.


....I am not proud of this chapter, I feel like I did Regulus dirty....

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