10: So that's what I forgot..!

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    To say Charlie was concerned when his mother and the woman of his dreams came out with tear stained cheeks is an understatement

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    To say Charlie was concerned when his mother and the woman of his dreams came out with tear stained cheeks is an understatement. It's just down right offense!

     But, he was happy that the two seemed to be getting along. Which was a win in his eyes.

And so, Fred and George whisked Harper away before Charlie could ask what happened. Insisting she went with them, and who was she to refuse?

Pouting as he watched her go, Charlie huffed, looking back to his mother who was already watching him. "So...Do you approve?" Charlie asked hopefully as he looked at his mother. Suddenly aware of the fact that he needed a haircut, his shirt was slight disheveled and his boots weren't laced up all the way.

     Mrs. Weasley remained quiet and soon began to peel the potatoes she had in the kitchen for supper. Her silence punishing Charlie, it was her way of getting revenge for not coming to visit last Christmas he supposed.

     Finally, after two, agonizingly long minutes, she spoke. "Marry her before she's whisked away from you, Charlie." A large grin immediately bloomed onto Charlie's face.


Harper ended up hanging out with Ginny, Fred, George, and Ron more then Charlie for the next week. Leaving the poor man almost utterly depressed.

"What do they have that I don't?" Charlie asked his older brother after supper one night, "She's bunking with Ginny and spends the rest of the day with those brats! Couldn't she spare the evening for me?" He whined as he flopped on the couch while Bill decided to turn on the record player her had picked up when he was in London. Humming along with the sad tune as he sat down.

     "Maybe she likes the ones that are younger then her?" Bill joked, sitting down on the arm chair, legs over one of the arm rests while his back pressed against another. "Oh shut it." Was all he got in reply from Charlie. (...If only Bill knew...)

     Bill hummed softly. "Maybe whisk her away at night, when our siblings can't steal her?" He suggested. "Or even at sunrise. It'd be a perfect time. Cold with the sun now shining onto you, giving you a bit of warmth. And if it's not enough, she'd have to cuddle close to you."

     Charlie's eyes lit up, it would be perfect! Charlie was a very warm person in any situation and Harper prefers warm over cold! Maybe he'd even be able to sneak a peck to her cheek! He grinned dreamily at that. Though his hope was crushed by his younger sister.

     "You two do realize warming charms exist, right?" Ginny asked as she came down from the stairs. Brows furrowed slightly and her hair back into a messy bun. "She'd probably take her wand too, even if you tried to convince her not too." She added as she shoved Charlie's leg off the second spot on the sofa, both of her legs going over his thighs.

     "Oh shut it!" Charlie whined, a pout on his face once more. "May she'd forget about the wand?" Bill suggested weakly after giving Ginny and scolding look.

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