12: I'm used to it.

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     Charlie woke up to the smell of peaches, one he had become fairly familiar with as of late

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     Charlie woke up to the smell of peaches, one he had become fairly familiar with as of late. He chuckled quietly to himself as he looked down at the brunette huddled up against him. "Cute raccoon." He mumbled as he looked at her a bit longer. She was drooling a bit, her mouth was half way open, her hair had turned into a ball of fuzz onto of her head. Her arm was draped over his side and she had hooked her leg around his hip, when and how she did that, he didn't know.

As he slowly sat up Harper started to wake up, leaning to his touch as he wiped away her drool. Though she paused when she realized that she was very much nuzzling someone's hand.

     Slowly, her eyes focused on Charlie and the amused look on his face before she bolted out of the bed and out of the room. Leaving Charlie laughing at her actions while she blushed a cherry red as she marched to Ginny's room to grab a new set of clothes.

     Thankfully the younger girl wasn't there, which allowed her to change in peace into a pair of blue sweat pants and a loose, emerald green shirt. (Which happened to be a shirt Charlie had given her.)

Harper quietly snuck down into the kitchen, furrowing her brows when she saw only Bill, and Charlie. "Where's everyone else?" She asked curiously as she walked in, grabbing a banana from the counter and peeling it, grabbing a knife and slicing herself off quarter inch pieces.

"I think they went shopping." Bill said. Pouring himself a cup of coffee and taking a nice, long sip. His lips curved into a smirk after as he looked towards her. "Nice hit, by the way." He said with a chuckle. "You should've seen him, Harper. Black marched out here mad as could be this morning, and his whole nose was rather swollen and bruised!" Harper shook her head as the man bent over with laughter at the memory.

     "Maybe we shouldn't have slept so long." Charlie mused as he stood next to Harper, smiling to himself as he caught whiff of her peach scented shampoo.

     Harper blushed once more at that and huffed. Ignoring the raised brow from Bill. "Yuck." He mumbled as he took another sip of his coffee, soon walking off to the living room and plopping down on the couch. Harper smiled to herself and shook her head.

     "Harper." She heard Charlie say softly, to which she looked over with a curious look on her face. "Yes?"

"You're adorable, do you know that?" Charlie was closer then she remembered, his nose brushing against herself. His eyes were studying her, something she had become used to as of late. And she wasn't sure how to feel about it. A shiver ran through her as his eyes flickered to her lips and he leaned a bit closer.

     "Would it be alright if I-" Charlie was cut off by none other then Remus Lupin coughing loudly into his hand from behind them.

     Charlie bit back a few hexes he knew and turned to look at the man with a small glare. "May I help you?" He asked. Each word harder to get out then the last.

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