09: "Such a stupid..Handsome, and sweet smile he has.."

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     Harper twiddled her thumbs in the back of the Ford Anglia, a new model then what they had last had, according to the twins

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Harper twiddled her thumbs in the back of the Ford Anglia, a new model then what they had last had, according to the twins.

     In the front sat Charlie, Ginny and their father. Author Weasley. In the back sat Harper, Fred and George in either side of her. Ron and Hermione would be staying at the Potter's for most of Christmas Break, then he, Harry, and Hermione would be coming to the Weasley's to spend the remainder of the break. And to what she was told, it would only be the three children coming back.

Fred and George were both watching her, neither being oblivious to the fact that she kept looking towards their father with fearful eyes, as if he was going to whip out his wand and try to capture her then and there! They chuckled at the thought. How odd would that be?

And even so, Charlie wouldn't let anything happen to Harper if he got the chance. The man was love sick! That was another thing they found odd. Charlie has hardly ever looked at women before, the occasional flirty comment would leave his lips but he made no sign of doing anything else. All he could think about were dragons! The twins had feared their brother would suddenly declare he had married one of the dragons at the reserve, and that he had five children with the dragon already!

So when Harper came along and managed to unknowingly put him under a spell where his main focus was her. He was teaching Hogwarts' students about dragons for heaven's sake! You would think he would pay more attention to that. But no, he had only been trying to woo their history teacher. And it was working, no doubt about that.

     Now, all that was left to do was to get his parents' approval of her. Even if Charlie doesn't seem like it, he cherishes the opinion of his parents. And he would be heartbroken if neither liked her. So, Fred and George decided they would do everything in their power to help Charlie and Harper out.

     After all, if they hadn't been Gingers, they would've been placed in Slytherin. So Slytherins must stick together!


Harper had nearly tripped three times in the past five minutes as they unloaded the car, stumbling over her words as Mr. Weasley asked question, wondering on if she was enjoying her job and how all his sons were behaving. Knowing full well, he didn't need to ask about Ginny. The girl did not hesitate to tell her Father all about her school year so far. Including how Charlie disappeared at the Yule Ball just after it started. This causes the two who knew why he actually disappeared to blush in embarrassment. And now, Charlie was holding back his laughter as Harper struggled to answer his father. Barely managed to lift her bag out of the trunk of the car as her hands shook a great deal.

Finally taking pity on her, Charlie reaches out to grab her bag though was stopped when another did, and when he looked up, his older brother Bill had picked it up for her, offering her a friendly smile. "Why does a Weasley bring home a brunette every time?" He mused teasingly as he looked at his brother, causing the man to huff. "Oh shut up." Charlie muttered as he tried to hide his smile.

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