11: Making Amends and cuddles.

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Mrs. and Mr. Weasley both dropped their forks, Charlie nearly choked on the water he was drinking, Ginny and Bill coughed to hide their surprise, Percy almost slammed his cup down onto the table, Ron let out a 'Bloody Hell,' and Fred looked at his twin with shocked looked on his face.

Remus was no better then the rest of them, neither was Harry. The older man almost choked on a few peas he had swallowed and Harry slammed his fist onto the table. Shooting an apologetic look to Mrs. Weasley a second later before looking back to glare at his dad.

Lily winced at the memory and looked down to her daughter. Who was confused by the tense atmosphere.

James shut his eyes tightly as he hung his head in shame. Tears teasing him as they threatened to fall out.

Sirius on the other hand, nearly shouted at her. "We were told you died...How in blazes are you still alive!?" He demanded. Slamming his hands into the table as he stood up.

Harper seemed to be the only one keeping a level head during this. "Mrs. Weasley, what on earth did you season the chicken with? It's absolutely delicious!" She smiled, taking another bite of the small piece of chicken left on her plate before picking up her napkin and gently dabbing the corners of her lips. Her five students would have burst out laughing at her actions had there not been a man glaring at her with what seemed like an intent to commit a murder.

"Now now, Sirius. Please. Do keep your horrible manners at bay, can't you see that there has been a delicious meal prepared for us and it's being ruined by someone slamming their hand on the table every few seconds."

     Her words only fueled Sirius' anger more, and before anyone could stop him, he practically lunged across the table and grabbed the collar of the sweater she was wearing. Pulling her up so they were nose to nose.

     Harper's eyes were no longer the soft blue they were when she was with her students, they were no longer kind. Instead, they held a look of mockery in them. And her lips that could have the most beautiful smile, were now curved into a taunting smirk.

     "Sirius, you're still as forward as ever. Even so, there are children at this table and you are no longer the attractive teen you once were."

     Harper could see from the corner of her eyes Charlie had stood up and was ready to pull Sirius off of her, Bill was ready to hold her down and do was Ginny. Percy seemed to be trying to figure out what was going on while Fred and George were trying not to yank Sirius off of her, Harry seemed to be itching to do the same.

     Before Mrs. Weasley could scold either of them Sirius had already spoken. "You have always been one for attention. Why should I even be surprised?" He growled. "You could've have plotted this all out so you could come out as the victim." His words made Harper's blood boil.

     "Can't run to mommy and daddy, now can you?" He asked tauntingly.

     A few seconds later he was clutching his now bleeding nose, moans of pain leaving him whereas Harper seemed fairly satisfied with what she had done.

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