00: Prologue.

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     The school year of 1994 would be an interesting one indeed for the Golden Trio. Especially for the young Harry Potter, who will find out a few things about his father, and the fact that he wasn't the hero he had painted him out to be.

     Coughing and hacking, Regulus Black managed to pull himself from the lake, and from the grasps of the Inferi in 1988. Dragging out Harper Potter with him, the younger sister of James Potter, and with her, the last Horcrux. Though, unlike her brother,Harper wore her Slytherin robes with pride. And she still did while the two entered the cave, and left it.

     The two were clueless when they ended up in London, horror struck when they had found out that it was not 1979, and barely managing to adjust to the changes in the world, and the two had only ever been in the wizarding world. Never daring to step foot into the Muggles' world.

     Now look at them. Lost, confused, scared, in London city.

     Slowly but surely, they managed to adjust, get jobs and a shared apartment. But when receiving a visit from Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore in the summer of 1994 there life changes once more quite a bit.

     Now. Both are twenty three, and while one is the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, the other has been given the chance to teach the History of Magic to the students.

And once more, the two are in front of the 9 3/4 platform. Memories flooding into their minds, hardly any being pleasant if they were being honest.

But now, they were given a second chance, ex-Death Eaters. Going back to Hogwarts to teach students. Something they never thought they'd do in a million years.

Fears slowly washing away as they stepped through the border, their eyes immediately landing on the train they had boarded multiple times, though now boarding as teachers instead of students.

     Their eyes were quick to land on the family of red heads, a small smile tugging on the female's lips when she figured out who the family was, particularly drawn to the twins and the younger brunette who was with them. He looked strikingly like James...It was almost frightening.

     The same unruly hair that couldn't be tamed by any brush or comb. The same glasses and that idiot grin matched the two perfectly. But the eyes is where they didn't match. He had Lily's eyes, a vibrant green.

     Harper Potter found out that day that she had a nephew, and his name was the one of the famous Harry Potter.

     Oh Fuzz Buckets.

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