05: This isn't...as bad as I though it would be...

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     Harper had successfully ignored Charlie for a four and a half months

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     Harper had successfully ignored Charlie for a four and a half months. But that didn't stop the man from trying....Really...Really...Really, hard.

     That man was dedicated.

     During the time Harper managed to become good friends with Fred and George, the two declaring her their adopted older sister after a month at dinner. And after quite a bit of embarrassed stuttering, she accepted.

     Her relationship with Harry had improved as well, but neither had gotten around to talking about the whole family situation..Yes, Harry accepted Harper as his aunt, and Harper accepted the fact that he was her nephew. But neither of the actually said anything about it.


     This year, Dumbledore announced that there was a Winter Ball the began before the students returned home, and seeing as Snape faked a sickness and Regulus acted as though he was clueless about dancing, Dumbledore excused them both from teaching the Slytherin students how to dance. And Harper was the only one left to teach them how to dance...

     See, the thing is. Harper doesn't know how to dance. (How kind of Regulus to tell Dumbledore about that. Note the sarcasm.) No one ever taught her, no one was ever there to show her what to do.

     And now, if you walk past one of the larger empty corridors,  you will see Harper struggling to teach them how to do a proper waltz. And that's exactly what Charlie saw as he walked past.

Biting his bottom lip to restrain his laughter as he leaned against the wall, smiling as he watched her and Blaise attempt to waltz around the circle of students. Thank heavens the boy was helping her stay upright or else she would've fallen repeatedly.

After another moment of watching her Charlie finally walked past the students and behind Harper, "May I cut in?" He asked, earning a nod from the dark skinned boy, and within a second, Harper was securely in his arms and he was leading her around the makeshift dance floor with ease.

"Boys. When dancing, put your hand on your partners waist, whoever's leading at least." He hummed, smiling down as a blushing Harper who was glaring at him, but doing nothing to escape his grasp.

"A waltz is a simple one two three. Observe." He said, taking Harper's hand and spinning her out before pulling her back into his chest, a surprised squeak leaving her as he did so.

"And one two three." He muttered under his breath as he led her in a waltz, his eyes trained on hers while hers were on their feet, shaking his head slightly before he stopped dancing and placing his fingers under her chin, gently forcing her to look at his face. "Never look at your feet while dancing. It only makes you stumble more." He instructed, "Now. Keep your eyes on mine." He said firmly as they began to dance once more.

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