08: Train Tracks

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          Ya'll, I just wanted to let you know that this chap will have a (kinda,) panic attack in it. Just so you know.


     Harper chewed on her bottom lip, keeping her head down and her eyes trained on the black combat boots she was wearing

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     Harper chewed on her bottom lip, keeping her head down and her eyes trained on the black combat boots she was wearing.

     Mr. Weasley would be picking them up, according to the twins. And boy oh boy was she scared. Would he recognize her? Would he report her to the Ministry. She knew he worked for them, and so did his son, Percy. Wait, maybe all this was a plot for her to get put in Azkaban! Charlie was supposed to get close to her and then once he brought her back to the Burrow they would paralyze her with Petrificus Totalus and then tie her up and lock her in a ches-

     Harper's train of thought was once again cut off by none other then Charlie Weasley.

     Wrapping an arm around her shoulder he leaned down, whispering to her, "Love, you alright? You look like you've seen Sir Nick without any clothes." He hummed, twirling a piece of her fluff brown hair around his finger, smiling teasingly at her while she just chuckled softly at his joke, "No, I promise you, I did not." She hummed, leaning against him. "I'm just...Fairly nervous about meeting your folks." She mumbled sheepishly. Looking up at him a second later to see him have a serious expression on his face, smiling slightly as she reached her hand up to rub her thumb between his brows, causing the knot to go away. "Harper," she blushed faintly as he mumbled her name, "my parents will love you, alright? In fact, they might replace me with you!" He joked, pressing a kiss to her hairline. "Bill will probably try to use you to get dirt on me." He mumbled under his breath. Causing her to let out a quiet giggle, though her expression faded back into worry, "But...What if they see my arm?" She whimpered, her words getting Charlie to understand why she was so afraid now. "If they do, then they do. But you'll have me by your side." He promised, "I've gotten to know the real you. I know you're more then a dark mark on your forearm. And I'll make sure everyone else knows that too."

Harper couldn't help but blush faintly at his words, and the way he stared fairly intently into her eyes kinda of contributed. "Thank you, Charlie." She mumbled softly, smiling up at him for a moment before looking over to the train, watching everyone get off and run towards their family.

     Charlie chewed on the inside of his cheek, debating on telling her who else would be at the Burrow for Christmas, it would be better to get it over with sooner rather then later, right? Inhaling deeply and patting his lips he decided to speak, "Love-" Before he could even start he saw Harper pale significantly, gripping the handle of her suitcase tight enough her knuckles started to turn white. Her breathing started to go shaky, taking a large step back only for Charlie to pull her back, seeing as she was just about at the edge of the sidewalk and he didn't want her to fall into the railroad.

     "Harper, what's wrong?" He asked gently, moving his hands so the were on her shoulders, steadying her. She could only look at him and shake her head, tears clouding her beautiful blue eyes as well as fear. She should have expected this, after all, Harry was going back home for Christmas. So naturally, who would be here to pick him up?

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