07: Very large, yet small, baby steps.

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     "Fred! Not so loud!"

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"Fred! Not so loud!"

"Like you're being as quiet as a mouse!"

"Oh shut it!"

Woken up by the sound of clanging, Harper's eyes fluttered open for a split second before they were squeezed shut once more. Brows coming together as more racket was made. Lifting her head slowly as she opened her eyes once more, she was met with the sight of two red headed twins packing her clothes into a bag.

     Staring at them until they looked up at her, feeling eyes boring jokes into their heads. "What are you doing?" Chuckling nervously, the twins stood up straight, offering sheepish smiles.

     "It was Fred's idea!"
     "It was George's idea!"

     The twins glared at each other, a look of 'How dare you' came across their faces.
Harper only sighed and looked over towards Regulus' bed, wondering how that man could sleep through this.

     "Just...Why, are you two in my room. Packing my things?" She sighed, rubbing her eyes with her palms as she got out of her bed, crossing her arms as she looked at them.

     "Well...We thought you were,"

     "coming to the Burrow."

     "But when we came to help you with your bags,"

     "you were still asleep and hadn't bothered to pack!"

     "Charlie must've kept you up all night we figured."

     Harper had given up trying to figure out who was who but her cheeks flared red at that last comment. It was true, the two stayed away till an hour past sun rise talking and just enjoying each others presence. Though she was slightly confused. "Why would I be coming to the burrow?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

     The taller one stepped forward, Fred, "Because you're practically our sister in law at this point!" He exclaimed. Throwing his hands in the air. "And we told Mum about you, and insisted you come for Christmas! She already has a place for you at the table!" George continued.

     Harper stopped, Mrs. Weasley has a plate for her at her table? Her chest bloomed with warmth at the thought. Then the memory of when she danced with Charlie flashed in her mind. She did say she would come if their family would have her...

     Choosing not to react to being called their sister in law, she spoke. "Next time, just tell me." She chuckled, walking past and ruffling their hair before she began to pack her clothes. "You two troublemakers." She whispered under her breath as she watched them begin to put random spells and charms on Regulus' bed.

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