chapter 3 | Sweet voice

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She suddenly bumps into me as the guy before her stepped back, getting my hand to cup her waist, but she whirls around and takes one of the earbuds, that I did not see under her hair, out.

"I'm sorry," she bows to me, and I smile instantly at the sound of her voice. "It's okay," I run my fingers through my hair, but the hand that holds her earbud goes towards her mouth as if her body was instinctively reacting to some shyness that has been provoked by our contact.

This is awkward, but this is the first time we actually address each other.

She turns back towards the checkout and steps forth to order her lunch, but another guy joins the one who is serving her, and he tells me to do it as well, at the same time, so I move and order my favorite sandwich.

Should I stay here like I want to or this will be too creepy? She is not going to believe that I am a weirdo, right? She stares at me all the time, so if I am a weirdo, she is one as well.

Once I just need to wait for the man to make the sandwich, I take a peek at her in a discreet manner, smelling her fragrance that drives me crazy. We both catch each other getting too interested in one another, but she does not break the eye contact, so I do it and bite my lips that were about to curve up into a smile.

"Here you are, Miss," the one who served her hands her the burrito she ordered like she did yesterday, and she walks away but picks a table to stay here and not leave the place. Then, I finally get my food as well and take it, I turn around, wondering whether I should leave or not but deciding what is the best in a quick second.

I sit at a table near hers.

I do not have the balls to actually go up to her and start a conversation. No way I would be able to do that, or at least not yet.

I unwrap my lunch to not leave it unopened, and I bite into it. I take my bag off of my shoulders and open it to take my can of peach juice out, and I drink after feeling thirsty for a bit too long.

An idea just popped into my head though. What if I write a note and leave it on her table before going out to flee away like a coward and not face what I did?

I love this idea and the scenario that is already happening. I need to do this, otherwise, I will never be able to talk to her. I take another bite of my sandwich but look in my bag to get my notebook, and a pen out.  I tear a piece of paper in two, and I think about what could work the best.

I need to make her smile, not feel uncomfortable.

I press the top of my pen against my bottom lip and try to find the best type of note, diving into my thoughts and remaining there for a moment.


My eyes land their attention on everything in this room as I am doing my best to avoid the boy I am attracted to. However, once I let my want control my actions and see him toy with the top of his pen against his soft lips, I cannot help feeling some butterflies.

I need to not imagine how good this must feel to kiss him. I need to be a normal human, not some sort of weird person who is way too obsessed with someone they do not even know personally.

I clear my mind the best way possible by shoving the burrito in my mouth and chewing on it, but his big eyes stare back through my soul without warning me. My pulse hits me hard under my skin, and I slide my food even further inside after throwing my look in another direction. I always embarrass myself. I love my life.

I do not dare to look away anymore but only give attention to my burrito. I enjoy my food while ignoring the beating of my heart and my anxiousness, and I sip on my orange juice.

HUNGRY EYES || J.JK × Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now