chapter 19 | Shared love

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— Next day —

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021.

7 am.

The anxiousness burning inside of me keeps my body warm once I step out of the building, my teeth nibbling on my inner lip nonstop and getting grazed by my tongue piercing. I try as hard as I can to stay calm, but the more I think about facing y/n and giving her a morning kiss, the faster my heartbeat goes, the stronger my nervousness becomes.

"Good morning," Hojun greets me with a broad smile, wearing my zip-up hoodie that I let him go back to his room with. He wraps his arms around my waist, waiting for what I promised to give him. I scoff but grab the edge of the hood that hides his head, and I press a kiss on his cheek. "Here. Move now," I push him away to step forth but do not even dare to look around us to check if y/n is here, and I hear his laughter right near me as he is following me.

"Hey, did you really not get anything from y/n last night?" I broach the topic I could not wait to talk about with Kimoon, but Hojun comes back and holds me, sneaking his arms under my jacket to hug my waist and not leave me alone. I am pretty sure this is because I said that I love y/n more than him.

"Yes, I got nothing," he does not express any bother. "Wait, what?" Hojun only gets to know about it now. "We barely talk, she's probably not close enough."

"Or she's just scared of you because you look rude and cold as hell," Hojun does not hold back from throwing the truth at his face, and my laughter slips out of my mouth. "I know. No need to point it out, little shit."

"Just wanted to make sure you don't forget you have a bitch face on twenty-four hours a day," he forces a smile to make it even more irritating but funny, and he sets his eyes back on me. "I'm still waiting for my kiss."

"You got your damn kiss," I assert, but he shakes his head. "On the cheek, which is not what I wanted."

"If you think I'm gonna kiss your lips, you can go to sleep and hope to dream about it happening," I ruin his hopes, no matter how easy it is for him to get what he wants from me, but he tightens his hold around my body. "You'd have done it if y/n wasn't the only one you want."

"You're right," I do not even try to lie about this, but this causes him even more frustration. He sighs, heavily, and glances away. "And what if I kiss you on the lips? Hm? You're not the one—" my hand covers his mouth to shut him up, and I grin. "You won't," I pull it away, but his hands suddenly run under my top, and I groan at this cold feeling on my skin. "You fucking—" I laugh, nervously, and push him away from me, and I walk away once he tries to come back again.

"Come! Daddy!" he giggles, speaking out loud in front of the other students with not a single hint of shame, but I turn around and go backward. "Stay away from me. I'm sensitive to cold."

"We both know it's not to cold," he runs to catch up with me and throws his body on mine, but I do not try to separate us anymore. "I'll hug you if you stop."

"Okay," he takes his hands off of me, and I walk back to Kimoon who is only focusing on his phone, but the smaller boy stands in front of me, so I pull him in an embrace but since he was enjoying what he is doing to annoy me, I grab his jawline and whisper some words in his ear, some words that I know he will like and want to hear again.


I step out of my room after being done with my last assignment, and I walk down the two staircases to reach the front door and leave the girls' dorm, but I look at the spot where Jungkook is most of the time and fall upon him, laughing while bugging Hojun who is wearing his zip-up hoodie again.

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