chapter 38 | Uncovered

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"See you, eat well too," Y/n waves at him, smiling while I cannot. Hojun waves back at her and smiles, and he runs away.

We both watch him leave while remaining silent, and once he is out of sight, I lay my eyes on her and draw her closer to me to get her face near mine and press my lips on his jawline. "I love you."

She smiles, her cheek touching my lips, she turns towards me and encircles my neck with her arms, and she looks into my eyes. "I love you too," she kisses me on the lips then hides her face in the crook of my neck.

I love to be alone with her, but Hojun is acting weird since last week, he often leaves us alone as if he wanted us to spend time only together and have our 'couple time', but he does not seem to be doing good.

"Let's eat, I'm hungry and cannot think properly without food," she gets some food out of her bag but hands me a lunchbox. "Thank you, my baby. I can already tell that you'll be an amazing wife."

"Why is that?" she laughs but removes the wrapping from her sandwich, so I take the chopsticks she left into the box, and I taste the sushis. "Because you're wife material already. You always make sure to prepare some food for me for lunch."

"I want to make sure you eat well and get enough energy to study and deal with me," she bites into her food, but I chuckle and agree with this sentence. "Yeah," I chew on the rice and vegetables that taste amazing. "Dealing with you asks a lot of patience and energy."

"Not as much as to stand you..." she makes sure she shoots back at me, but I take it as a compliment since I know this is the truth. "I won't contradict."

"Is it good at least?" she points her finger at it, and I nod, enjoying it a lot. "The sausages are still warm, I feel happy."

"I'm happy too then," she feeds herself for us to eat together and have lunch.

I wonder if she got the hints I sent with the wife thing though.


10 pm.


< hey, can I talk to you? ]

[ sure, what's wrong? >

I leave my books to focus on Hojun, wondering what is going on for him to text me now.

< can I call you? ]

[ yes >

I wait for his name and picture to appear on my screen, and in a few seconds, it happens, so I pick up. "Hello?"

"Hey..." the awkwardness escapes my phone, and I understand pretty quickly that the matter is serious. "Am I annoying? Were you about to sleep?"

"No at all, and I was still studying. Are you okay?" I frown, fearing something bad. I believe that if it was horrible, he would have talked about it with Jungkook, and since Jungkook and I were both talking, he would have let me know about it too, but still, I am worried. "I think I am...I mean, I just..." he does not end his sentence, musing on his words. "I've been thinking about what you told me the other day...when we talked in your room...and after this week...with the time we spent together, I feel like I need to get some things off my chest...I don't know if it's a good idea though...but yeah..."

"It is a good idea, you shouldn't keep anything to yourself," I let him feel comfortable enough to spill it out, giving him the time he needs and not rushing anything by staying quiet when I feel like it is the right moment to do it. "What is it about?" I question him since I know I should help him to get to the point.

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