chapter 18 | Soft lips

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"Hey," the sweet girl I missed a lot brightens up the whole room with a simple word, and my chin raises up. "Hey, come here," I smile, and I pull on the chair that is next to me to make her sit down. "Have you got something to eat?"

"Some dried fruits," she opens the small bag of it, getting a look full of disapproval from me. "That's not the only thing you're gonna eat. Right?"

"Wrong," she swallows a nut of this snack, not listening to me. She giggles at the sight of my face but peeks at Hojun. Not accepting this type of answer, I take the bowl of rice I left on the table and slide it towards her. "Eat this."

"No, it's your meal," she moves it back where it was, but before she could even reach it again, I block the way and keep the bowl still. "It is. That means I do what I want with it. Let's at least share it."

She stares without saying one more word, her jaw moving at the rhythm of each bite she gives into the snacks in her mouth. "Alright?" I smile, uncontrollably, and my eyes drop their attention to her glossy lips. "Hm. Alright..."

"That's what I wanna hear," I provoke her and let my dominant side show off, but Hojun turns his head towards me. "Don't show your dominant side yet."

He is hiding everything inside of him again to not let his emotions show in front of her.

"Don't let anything other than air out of your mouth," I respectfully quieten him, and he laughs but looks at y/n. "Hey," he leans back and opens his arm, then he touches his chest. "See that?"

I sigh at his behavior. I knew he would do it, dammit.

She smiles at him but does not say anything, making me feel a bit like a kid who has been noticed by his crush for the first time. Does she really recognize that piece of clothing?

"Uh. It looks good on you..." she bites on a raisin, the glare she is throwing him but trying to restrain being so obvious that I cannot hold back from giggling.

I hope this is the face she makes when she is jealous, it does look like it, but if I am right, I am going to find it so damn amusing to tease her and see how adorable she is when she gets jealous.

"I know right, my body fits in this so well, it looks so much like I'm wearing my boyfie's clothes, doesn't it?" he smirks at her, but she peeks down at the hoodie and slows the chewing down. "Hm. You're very cute," she swallows. "So cute that I want to punch you."

"Thank you," he tucks some strands of his hair behind his ear, and I stay right between them while enjoying this little fight they have just to show who has my heart the most. "I can share it with you if you want, I mean," he glances at me. "If he doesn't mind."

"She can wear it whenever she wants to," I do not let him have the upper hand in front of her, and he throws me a death stare. "You mean 'Hojun can'. Right?"

"You can both wear it, alright?" I give him one last answer to put an end to this argument, but he does not show satisfaction. "I still get kisses from you though."

"Because she doesn't want mine," I do not even dare to look at her after saying this, keeping my stare on him. Now out of words, he tries to come back with something more but eats first. "Yeah...but still...she just doesn't deserve them. That's why. You have to be precious to have his lips on your skin, okay?"

"Okay," she suddenly flies her hand up to my lips and brushes it with her thumb. "Here. I got them on my skin," she flutters my heart without even knowing, and a fizzy sensation literally warms my whole chest up at the feeling of her fingers on my lips.

"You—" he stands up to the pretend to be picking up a fight and looks down at her. "Don't touch those small lips again."

"They're not—"

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