chapter 9 | Playful

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< why the fuck did you ask her to send you one? ]

[ are you serious rn? >

< she told me you sent her some videos of you jerking off and asked her to send you nudes or else you'd give fake evidence of her cheating ]

[ bro. Ask our best friends I'd never do that I can show you our conversations if you want, I don't give a fuck about her, I hate your girl, and you know it. So dont fucking tell me you believe her over me >

< she showed me a video that was in your chat and how disgusting you were. That was your name, how am I supposed to trust you? ]

[ i swear if you think that of me and don't believe me, our friendship is over Minhyuk. I'm not kidding. You know more than anyone that I'd never do such a thing. Shes the one who sent me her nudes when I didn't even talk to her, and she came up to me this afternoon begging me to not open it because it was "an accident"! She's a bitch! What do we have to do to make you realize it?! >

At the sight of 'Nounours' message, I leave this chat that only gets me mad, and I hurry to open it and cross my fingers to not see anything disappointing.

< hey, are you not coming? ]

I look around me, wondering why she is sending me this.

[ I am, I'm waiting for you at a table. Are you here? >

< oh, I checked in a room but didn't see you so I've been waiting in front of the door for you ]

[ really? I didn't even see you and I got here just a few seconds ago >

< I'm coming lmao it's fine ]

I do not answer her anymore but set my eyes on the doors to wait for her to step inside, but nothing happens.

"Hey," she startles me, and I turn towards her at the sound of her soft voice. "Hey," I move the food to the side to let her have some space, and she sits down next to me. "I think we weren't talking about the same doors," she laughs, both realizing we did not come from the same entrance. "Oh, I guess so. That's why," I smile and look at the drinks I brought while she is taking her stuff out.

"I got you this," I slide one of the two cups to her, with the bag inside which the cookies are. "You can eat both if you want."

"Oh, thank you so much, you didn't have to," she grabs the drink and reads the note to know what flavor it is. "A cookie and cream?" her mouth opens, and she glances at me. "This one is so good, thank you."

"No problem, I'm glad to know you like it," I grab mine but lean it towards her. "Do you want to try this one?"

She sips on her drink as her hands are opening the bag, and I lick my lips. "This one is vanilla and chocolate chip ice cream Frappuccino," I tell her in case she might ask, and she nods, so I move the straw up to her lips and let her take a sip.

Her adorable reaction makes me understand she loves it. "This one's good too," she smiles and gazes inside the bag. "Gosh. They're still warm," she bites her lips and gets one out, but she hands me the other. "It's for you."

"Sure?" I do not take it right away, willing to leave it for her. "Yeah, one is enough," she agrees, so I grab it and eat with her. "Thank you."

"No, thanks to you. You're the one who bought them," she bites into it and makes sure she does not leave too many crumbs on the table. Since I noticed it, I flatten the bag and put it under her hands to let her eat in a comfortable manner, and she thanks me.

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