chapter 42 | Lip ring

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I knock on her door in a way softer manner than I did when I was standing in front of Hojun's room one, and the kindness of her makes her open in short seconds as usual.

"Oh, I'm in trouble too?" she holds the rim of the door while staring up at me with her adorable eyes, but I scoff and enter the room without asking. "It's for you," I take my shoes off and place the food down on her desk, and she comes closer. "We told you to keep the food for yourself...!"

"This is for myself," I do not lie and sit down on the chair. "Because you and Hojun are me, and I am you," I let my cheesy words out with no embarrassment at all, and she giggles but gets on my lap. "I love when you say this type of stuff."

"I know you do," I run my hand up her back, loving the weight of her body on mine, her thighs crushing mine. This feels good, and I am pretty sure she does not even realize it, or would not want to believe it.

"Is it still warm though?" she tastes the food I delivered to my two babies, and while she is enjoying it, I touch her thigh and rub it. "It should be."

"It is," she speaks with some of it in her mouth, and I watch her swallow what was supposed to be for me. "Good then, enjoy it," I lick my lips but rotate the chair, feeling comfortable in it, with her on my lap.

"What did you do to Hojun?" she chews and wipes a corner of her mouth with her finger while mine are traveling over her thighs. "Nothing, I brought him pizza too, but the asshole was there, so I couldn't  enter the room."

"Ah..." she takes another bite, expressing more emotions for the pizza than my words. "Yeah..." I fix my eyes on her lips, seeing her pull the cheese with them and be ecstatic about how even tastier it makes it, but some disappointment ruins this moment for her when both of us see the cheese and slice of salami end on her thighs.

"Jeez, can't you eat properly, you disgusting girl?" I joke with her as she is picking up what fell, but she grins and does not even care. I lick the sauce she left on my fingers, but wipe her inner thigh once she opens her legs. "Let me have this at least," I lick it off my skin, and she allows me to do it without complaining.

"I'm disgusting for dropping my food, but you're literally licking everything that was on my thighs, so who's disgusting between us?" she remarks as if she was right, and I sneer. "I'd have licked it off your thigh if I could. There's nothing disgusting about it," I glance up at her now that this is clean, but her eyes remain on mine for long seconds, and once I smile at her, she does it too. "I won't say anything."

"Why?" I smirk, loving how quiet she becomes once her mind becomes loaded with lewd thoughts. "It's Halloween tomorrow, don't you want to do something?" she brings it up to avoid my question and the subject we were talking about. "Well, I want to see you in a costume."

"Pick one for me then, I'll wear it just for you," she does not even refuse but gets me excited. "Really?!" I ask to make sure she is not raising my hopes for nothing, but she ends her piece of pizza and nods. "Yeah. Hojun already has a costume, I painted his nails yesterday, and he wants me to do his makeup tomorrow."

"I need you to paint mine too, it's all chipped because I haven't taken this pink and black one off," I look down at mine, and she touches my hand to check as well. "Which color do you want?"

"I want to try black and white this time," I tell her. "Alright, I'll do it after eating if you want."

I nod, but she leans on me and presses her lips on mine. "Can I buy a costume for you as well?" she slides her fingers between mine to intertwine them, and I unconsciously close my hand on hers. "Hm. You can," my heart beats faster at the feeling of her asking for physical contact, and I kiss her lips again. "Don't make me look dumb though, alright?"

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