chapter 12 | Short moment

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I know she is staring, I can see it from the corner of my eye, and this is pretty satisfying but overwhelming.

I bite my lips, taking advantage of this, I toy with my tongue piercing and graze my teeth with it, then I make eye contact with her to catch her red-handed. She throws her eyes on something else as if she was suddenly shy, resting her jawline on her hand as if her head was too heavy. I do not lose confidence but leave my focus on her features, and I wait for her eyes to come back where they were.

I cannot lie about the fact that I miss the intense eye contacts we used to have every day, now we talk, we hang out, and we tease each other, but eye contact is way more infrequent.

A smile curves the corner of her lips up after a few seconds, knowing that I am staring at her and nothing or no one else. She glances back at me, and I do not permit myself to be a coward, so I make sure that my look is penetrating enough to cause her some shyness.

"Did you notice that we're matching today?" she avoids the main reason why we are both silent and brings up a random topic, and I cannot help chuckling at how cute I find it. "Hm. We are. We're soulmates," I say it as a joke, doing it the same way I would do it if it was Hojun.

The sentence she must not have expected to hear affects her reaction, and she titters. "You sound like those crazy people who believe they're connected to their celebrity crush because they have the same habits."

"I know, I'm delusional," I sigh out of despair, and she smiles but maintains eye contact. "And I'm joking, okay? Don't take it seriously. I'm not as crazy as you are."

"I'm not crazy, you're just normal, you're boring," she never misses to succeed at punching me with her comebacks, and my throat let the bitter saliva run down. I smirk, not even knowing how to reply to this aggression.

I pretend to be okay with this and look away to stretch and feel my back crack. "You're lucky we're in a restaurant," I breathe out in a sharp manner and set my eyes back on her, but she defies me by not breaking the exchange of looks. "Or else what?"

I drop my eyes to her lips to make it obvious I am being playful, and I lean back on the seats to tug my hands in my pockets. "You wouldn't want to know," I purposely let a vague answer out to create some curiosity inside her, and she takes her jacket off but comes closer. "I do want to know. I'm not scared of you."

"You aren't?" I show skepticism and confidence, but she confirms what she stated, peeking down at my lips that are parted as I cannot help moving my piercing over my teeth. "Why were you begging me earlier then?"

She does not find the right words this time but only smiles, and she leans forth but touches my thigh with her knee. "I wasn't begging, okay?" she lowers her voice. "And don't say that out loud."

"Why? Is there a problem with saying that you were begg—" a hit in my thigh erases the sound of my voice that I turned up to not do as told, and we both laugh like idiots. "Shut up."

"Don't tell me what to do, little baby," I remind her of her age, grasping this opportunity to call her baby. "I'm not a baby! We're both the same age."

"We're not, I'm older than you, and I'm taller," I point out what is unrated to this argument, and she mentions it. "Height has nothing to do with it."

"I know, but I still want to tell you," I brush this rude answer off, and the only emotion she expresses is amusement. Nothing like irritation that could be felt because of how I act.

I know I tend to be a bit immature and annoying when I like or am in love with a girl, but I cannot control it, no matter how hard I try, I always end up regretting some things I unconsciously did in the spur of the moment.

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