chapter 6 | Low voices

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I lean towards her from behind, and I speak. "Hey," my voice does not crack, and she turns her head. She must probably not have recognized me. "Hey," a smile forms on her face in no time at all, and she straightens her back, fixing her attention on me. "Uhm...I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm looking for a book called 'The Fragrance of Ink', but I think that  I saw you with it the other day, so...I was wondering if you still have it?"

"Oh, I did have it, but I just put it back on its spot when I came here," her small and gentle voice flutters my heart, but I keep my cool. "Oh, that's....What a perfect timing," I chuckle, realizing how awkward I am. "Yeah," she laughs too and licks her lips. "Do you want me to give it to you? I know where it is," she offers to do, and I accept right away, not letting this lucky occasion slip away from me. "Yeah, that would help."

"Okay," she leaves her stuff on the table and stands up, and she leads the way, so I follow without saying a word and breathe in her delicate fragrance that teases my brain and senses. Her steps bringing us to the book shelves, she walks in one narrow passageways, and she makes a beeline for one part of it. Once she stops, I stand by her side, my eyes not glancing away from her.

I cannot believe we are close and talking to each other.

"Here," she gets hold of the book and hands it to me. "Is it the one you want?"

I take a look at it, even though I do not know anything more than the title, and I nod, thoughtlessly. "Yes, thank you," I grab it and turn it around to check the back, not wanting to go to my seat and already leave her when I had the balls to finally walk up to her.

"Do you know how to borrow it with your card?" she asks, kindly helping me but sounding nervous. I set my eyes on her gorgeous ones, and I smile. "I think I do. I just have to scan it with the book as well, right?" I make sure I am not wrong, and she confirms with a movement of her head.

"All right," I lower my focus to her glossy lips, holding the book with both hands, I clear my mind and stare into her eyes to show some confidence to her. "Do you often come here?" I remain as quiet as I can to not bother anyone here but still make this moment between us linger. "Not often but sometimes, but since I don't have a computer anymore, I have to come here all the time now."

"Ah yeah...true," I get reminded of this issue. "Has the teacher not given you a new one or something?" I fiddle with the book in my hands, her steady stare having more power on me than expected. "Not yet. He said he would try to get one, so I'm waiting."

"Hm, I hope he will get you one soon then. Working without a computer is hard here," I mean my words, still hating the fact that I am the cause of this. "Yes, that's really hard," she agrees, her hand passing through her hair in a nervous manner. I swallow, trying to find something else to say.

"For how long are you going to study here?" I stop toying with the book to not damage it but notice her hands hide behind her back, exposing the curve of her breasts even more under my teenage eyes. "Probably until it closes, I don't know."

"Okay. If my friends leave before you do, I'll stay with you so that we can study together if you want and don't mind," I try to make a move, and the positive expression that drew some delight upon her face relaxes me. "Sure. I'd love to study with you."

"I'd love to do it now, but I have to finish some work with them, so...yeah..." I comb my hair back. "Don't worry, focus on that work. I hope it's not too exhausting," she slides one hand up her arm as my presence seems to provoke some anxiousness to her body, and I shake my head. "Not too much. It's just annoying."

"Ah, well, I hope it will be over soon then," she chuckles, and the softness in the sound of it puts a smile on my face. "Yeah, same," the awkwardness of this first conversation forces my brain to ask my body to move and leave it, so I look into her eyes for the last time and enjoy their deepness. "I should...probably go back there and finish it."

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