chapter 13 | Privileged

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10 minutes later...

"Come on, let's hurry before the red velvet cake melts,"  I get out of the place with her after finishing our dessert, and she follows me, silently.

I put my hood on now that the weather just worsened and turned even colder, and I take a peek at her, hoping for her to be okay in her oversized hoodie. I do not say anything, and we both get to the dorms in short seconds.

We stop at the same time, knowing we have to get separated, and I hand her the bag. "Take it, please."

She breathes out in a heavy manner but does as told, and she grabs it. "Thank you," she kindly says it, and I smile, unconsciously. "Thanks to you. I had a good time, and I ate so well, I forgot what it was to be full with good food."

A soft laugh slips out of her mouth. "I had a good time too. I'm happy you liked it."

"Hm. I hope we can do this again," I fix my hair under my hood, but my nervousness after this sort of small confession obliges me to speak more. "Don't study today, alright? It's already late, so you should sleep."

"I will, don't worry. Sleep too, and don't hesitate to text me whenever you want, you won't bother me," she tells me as if it was important to her, and I cannot hide the delight this caused to me. "I will, but the same goes for you," I let her feel the same way about this, and we both smile at each other, not knowing how to put an end to such a great night that was almost like a first date.

"Have a good night, and have sweet dreams," I lick my lips to release the tension in my body, and she nods to me, the delicate look into her eyes not fading. "Have a good night and sweet dreams too, see you," she steps back but waves in a small and adorable manner as if she did not know what to do, and a subtle giggle leaves my chest, but I send her this wave back to say goodbye, then go inside. 

She is such a cute girl.

— Next day —

Saturday, September 11st, 2021.

1:30 pm.

The loud sound of someone knocking on a door startles me and snatches me out of my sleep. My fast heartbeat obliging me to breathe rapidly, I turn towards Chiwon to know what is happening, but he does not even move, probably listening to his music and sleeping as always.

I take a peek at my phone to check the time but realize I slept a lot. Last night must have felt good as ever for my body to sleep for so long and not wake up just once throughout the night.

Since I do not know what this is about, I get out of my bed, sluggishly to not feel the rush of blood hit my head, and I ruffle my messy hair to go and open the door to that jerk.

"Hey, Jungkook. Is Chiwon here?" one of this guy's friends asks for him, and I hold back from getting mad at him for waking me up like that. "Yes, let me wake him up," I step back and make my way towards his bed to shake him up and make him feel what I felt a few seconds ago because of him.

"Ugh?" he reacts with fright, taking his earphones out, and I laugh at how ridiculous he is. "Someone's asking for you at the door," I point my thumb at it and go back on my bed. "Dammit," his ugly face that pictures the hangover he is going through gets covered by his hands, and he rubs them on it before standing up to answer his friend.

Meanwhile, I am taking my phone and checking my notifications. The first thing I do before reading any of my texts is getting on the conversation I share with y/n to see if she sent me a message, and I smile as soon as I notice she did, even if that was received two hours ago.

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