chapter 23 | Dark room

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"I'm here," the soft voice of the girl I have been waiting for takes my attention away from my phone, and I gaze up at her. My eyes scan her up and down, and I smile at the sight of the plaid dress she is wearing over a shirt, under her leather jacket. This outfit is one of the cutest.

"You're so pretty," I do not hold back from complimenting her, loving the fact that she took time to get ready just to hang out with me. It feels like a date. "You look better," she moves forth to avoid the words I said, and I understand that I made her shy. "I don't," I follow her and see her slow down. "Stop lying. You know you look good."

"Not true..." I deny it, but she throws me a glare as if she was mad about this reply. "If you don't know it, then why do you post so many pictures of your body?"

She is right, but at the same time, there is something that she does not know.

"I just like to get all those compliments all the time. It makes me feel better about my body, it makes me feel attractive..." I shrug and continue to walk towards the destination that only I know. "I never really liked the way I look, and I used to work out a lot before university, but now that I don't have time anymore, I feel insecure again and try to comfort myself with the attention I get from the girls and guys who compliment me all the time and tell me I'm hot," I cannot even believe that I am letting all those words out and confessing.

"You look good with or without working out, and you don't need those people to be attractive. You're naturally pretty," she reassures me and attempts to get those insecurities away from my mind. "And people who say that you're not attractive are blind as hell."

"Yeah, maybe..." I do not know how to take those, so I accept them but wonder if she truly means it. "Not 'maybe'. That's the truth. I know it's hard to love the way you look, I understand what it is, but don't let anyone decide whether you're attractive or not. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you're attractive, hot, cute, and good the way you are. Erase all the insecurities and replace them with confidence as much as possible."

I smile at the sound of her telling me all of this, feeling touched and fluttered.

"You're so sweet...I wish everyone had the same mind," I run my fingers through my hair to ruffle them, and I lay my eyes on her. "I just don't like to know that good people have to deal with pain or struggles, so I try my best to make them feel what they deserve."

"Stop, you make me want to hug you," I shoot my shot, not caring about the aftermath this might have, and I look straight in front of me to avoid the pain I can see rushing towards me. "And what if I want you to hug me?" my heart stops once my ears let me hear this, and an instant smile curves my lips up to let a coy and quiet laughter escape my mouth.

"You're gonna get all shy and blush because of me, I know it," I lose the boldness my body was full of, but she mocks me for thinking so. "Sure. You just know I'm gonna make your heart beat fast, then you're gonna dream of me and never be able to stop thinking about me. That's why you chicken out."

"Me? Chicken out? Who couldn't make the first move and talk to me? Uh?" I remind her of this, despite my point of view and how nervous I was when I first spoke to her. "Oh yeah, I only remember the one who left a note on my table and left without saying anything to me," she exposes me to make me regret opening my mouth, and I stop walking. "You know what? Forget this, I'm going home to cry," I turn around to go back to my room, but she grabs my arm. "No! I'm kidding! That was cute."

"You're making fun of me, after all the courage I had to come up to you...That's mean, and my ego is hurt, but I'm kind, so I'm staying," I go back on our way to the theater but do it slowly. "I'm not making fun of you!"

HUNGRY EYES || J.JK × Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now