The Bus Vs. People (Marvel Cast x reader)

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DISCLAIMER! this is all a joke. i am not shipping people irl and this is kind of to poke fun at fanfics.

u and tom holland wear walking back from the amazing day at the state prison. you love seeing the awful people pay for there crime. tom liked at you thought you were the most gorgous person he ever lade eyes on but he was already dating zandaya and you were dating someone.

"oh tom look at this" you squeal as you walk past a dead black man on the side of the road. you found that pretty funny since he was black. tom just chuckled at your childish beahavor.

"your so cute" tom said happyly. you didn't know how to respond sense he was dating zendeye.

"i know" you say with a smirkish tone in you're tone. tom laughs again. he gets into his car and opens the door for you and you get in and you look at him and think about how amazing he is and how he will never like you and will always be with zendayer but then again your dating chris evans so you shouldn't be thinking this.

the car ride is filled with a comfortable silence. you open the door to your house and you hear moaning. strange? maybe chris is watching porn. you then hear something that breaks you're heart.

"sebbbbb" chris moans. you open the door and find sebastian stan eating reece's off of chris's pale stomach. tom looks at you in surprise and sadness knowing how much chris meant to you. you run out of the house crying. you expect tom to follow but he doesn't.


you walk back to your house ready to break up with chris. you walk into the bedroom seeing a naked tom, chris, and sebastian sleeping together. TOM TOO :(.

you get so angry. how dare tom?!!!? you take a picture and send it to zendayea. you walk out of the house not being able to contain youre sadness.

you started walking on the sidewalk when a car comes up behind you. a man jumps out of the car and grabs you and throws you in the car. you try to scream but nothing comes out because he is chocking you.

you see it isn't a he it's actually zendayae!!!

"ZANDEYAA!!!" you scream happlilly.  she looks at you and kisses you hard. you kiss back instantly.  the car then starts to move while you are still kissing.

you then show up at your house. zendayera storms up to the room were the three boy's are sleeping and opens the door. they wake up and look at her. she grabs me then starts making out with me.

"y/n???? zaendeyere??" tom says sadddiliitly. both you and zendryer look at each other and shrug ur shoulders. tom starts crying and looks out the winder. he then jumps out the windew.

"TOMM!!!" you scream as you look out the winders. he's is on the ground.

"we should go make sure he is ok" sebastian says.

"good idea" you say. you all walk out side. tom opens his eyes and sees you guys around him. of course he isn't dead you're house is only one story. dumbie. tom gets up and runs on to the road. but he was not paying close enough attention to see a bus was coming and it hit him!

sebastian runs out and tries to stop the bus but realizes he actually isn't the winter soldier and gets hit too.

"SEB!!! TOM!!! NOOOOOO" chris crys. you can't believe you just watch the love of your life die right in front of you. your very sad.


you decide to grab all of toms belongings and put them in a circle. you light candles and call satan to help. the lights start flickring and you start getting scarred. 


you here a knox on the door and you open it. it's TOM!!!! you run and hug him. he doesn't respond he just stands there. oh well i mean he is dead.

you put him on the couch and snuggle close to him. you start watching the show the walking dead. after watching the show you look at tom and he has a blank look on his face. you realize.... heS a ZOMBIE!!! that's so hot. you were about to kiss him when your phone buzzes

EX BUTCH ASS : you are the worst person in this earth i hope you die.

you look at the message and cri. how could he. you look at tom and realize you did something horrible. you killed him and seb. you run upstairs and grab your ak-47 and point it to ur head.

"no one will care" you say happyliliy to do people a favor you know because like death is temporary so it's fine. you then shoot and die and never come back.


you went to y/n's house because you felt bad. you walk in a see her dead. welp. you grab her and bring her to the doctors they tell you she WAS PREGNANTENAGANT!!!

"whose the father?" you say with curiosity in your curious tone of voice.

the doctor looks at you and says "someone by the name of sebastian stan". you heart breaks. the person you were cheating on and the person you used to cheat in them did the frickle frackle!

you were so angry. you storm out of the hospitel and get in your car. you go to the nearest cliff and jump. but as you were falling someone grabs you a teleports you to the top. zendayeyreyehas?

you and zandeyayeya end up marying each other and live happy ever after until zenadgae leaves you for robert downey jr. but you don't care because she is the most is perfect person ever.

you die two weeks after you and zendayererara broke up because you were poisoned by rdj. the end

heyyyy guys!!!! happy quarantine! i hope you guys like this sense my last imagine did really well i decided to make another! ZENDAYYEA IS SO AMAZING!!! i wanted to make her the best character in this story because she's that great! also isn't it so hot when people die?!😂

p.s. happy national bubble wrap appreciation day!


-jan 27

1037 words

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