Cabbije (Charlie Puth x Reader x Pit Bull)

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DISCLAIMER! this is all a joke. i am not shipping people irl and this is kind of to poke fun at fanfics.

collab again💀


"but cabijes r hot... just like u." u smirk. ur o ugly. u look at all the other gurls walking up and down the beach. u wish u looked like the,, but you dint. it breaks ur heart. u look back up at charlie put. his eyes r like pools of ocean. u cant help but stare into them.
    "u think i'm hot?" u look away, ashamed and bashfully. he cupps ur hand in his cheek. u baluch, and he looks u in the eyes.
    "i think ur beautiyful." u stare up at him. u look around the room, embarsaed. he smiled. "now go out there and do ur best. u can do this." he said, and as you went out the door, u turned and caught his eye. he smirks at u, gleefully. he smiles. u look away, a good feeling in ur heartt.

    as u walk into the room, ur hart dropps. the room is so full of people, all dressed in fancy dresses. there men are tall and handsome. the women are pretty. prettyer than us, but u try not to think about it. u have a job 2 do. u try to think about twhat charlie pith said to u b4. he said i'm sexy, you think. he said i'm seductive. u go to fo my job.
    u see the man ur looking for. he was describs as bing very tall and wisde and large, because he is a basketball player just like me. u go and up to him, as he leans over you. u do your job.
    "hell hansdom." u give what u think is a playful smirk, trying to b confident. u try to hide how deeply insecure u are. u just wish u could be like the other lasiee in the rom. they're so prrtty, nice boobs and butt and hair and nails and bodies. u are ugli in comparison. but u have a job to do, u cant let your insecurity distract u from it. "come here much>" he looks down at u and u bire ur lip. he lifes thebrim of his big black hat and u finally see his face- ITS PITBULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!! u cant help but swoon. he is so hot. u love his hot voise. he talks to u and u can barely breathe.
    "yea, u?" u touch his foot with urs sexily. "first time," u say. "mind showing me around?" he smirks, nodds. he shows me around the room, and u finally end up in a dark corner. u think of all the things u want to do, but then, you see, in the corner, charlie, standing, all alone, sadly. u feel bad. he looks so dsad, and u feel bad leaving him after what he h=just said so nicely to you about how u sexy u r. u look up at pitbull.
    "i'm sorry pitnull, i want to be with u but i cant." jae shakes hs head. ]
    "why not>??' u glance back at charlie as pitbull kisses u and u like it. but u feel bac. charlie stares like sad puppy. then finally pitbull pulls away.
    "i cant, because of charlie." pitbull shakes hie head.
    "forget about your boyfriend, and meet me at the hotel room. u can bring ur girlfriends and meat me at the hotel room" he sings. ur so turned on. he must have made up that song just 4 u. u look back at charlie, than back at pitbull.
    "i'm having a tough time deciding, pitbull. I dont know what todo."
    "this for everybody going through tough times, believe me been there done that." u try not to cry. little does he know the whole plan. u loook back at charlie, and he nods. he winks at u signaling the pla. u lead pitbull up to the hotel room he was talking abou t before. adf he takes u in and it starts 2 get steamy. just as he goes to unzip ur dress, u pull out ur knife, stabbing him in the back ans watching as he bleeds out. u loook up to a knock on the window, scared that it's that cops." but u loook up and its just charlie.
    "charlie!" u run over to upen the window. he climbs in, and hugs u, wrapping his long arms around u. "i did ut!" u cheer.
    "u seduced em good," he said sexily. u start to finally feel attractive. u hope charlie thanks so too.
    "now time to seduce u too."
    "u already did."
    charlie helps u push the dead body off the bed and u 2 do it on the bed.
    "u sexy cabbije." u will never look at cabbage the same way agin.

a/n: HI GUSY!!!! wecole to my imagin.! hope u enhoy!! i feel like i'm becoming a real imagineer!!!! remember, follow the instructions rn this was just off the top of my head so i hope u guys love it🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 pls let me know!!!!😩😶😍👉😃🤪🧐🤔😶‍🌫️🥰


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