Cat Time (Harry Styles x reader) (ot5)

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slowly losing my mind

DISCLAIMER! this is all a joke. i am not shipping people irl and this is kind of to poke fun at fanfics.

you walk home to yours and harries shared home. he is the man fur you. you guys had just gotten back from bowlring. hairy kept getting sticks!! but while u guys where their herry kept turning you on because of all the taatooss on his airms. they were just so sexie.

"HERRIE!!!!" you shout as he hurls you against the door angerly with anger.

"ur so hawt y/n!" harery whispers in your third ear. you had an extra ear because you had a time machine and went back in tiem we're vangoo cut iff his ear and you grabbed it and taped it to your head. you can't here out of it but it's so CUTE!!

"are you going to be my little kitten" you ask incoccently. heray just nods and moans.

"MEOOWWWW" haerus meowoans. harray licks your nostril clean and run up to you're shared bedtroom. you follow him and see him sitting on ur bed with a play toy. you loved when he switched gears and became a cat.

you walk up to heraiey. "do you need to go to the bathroom?" you ask. harriea nods and runs to the bathroom. you watch as he takes his pants off and squats iver the litter box. he takes a massive shit and it turns you on so much.

"cmere terry" you say seductively but heriiry wasn't listening. you kept trying but he wouldn't cum so you desided to text the 1d boys. no one actually knows the reason why their called 1d. early during the x factor simon cowbell took 4/5 of each of theyre dicks and kept them in a jare so all there dicks amount to one.

you: haeriree isn't listening to me he won't do anything i'm telling him.

ZAYNIE💦: well then mates i guess we're gonna have to teach our bad boy a lesson

PAYNO💍: ok daddy

LEWIS🥱: only if i get to see him in girl underwhere.

you: ok lewis.

NEIL🔫: i'm strait so i'm good

you: you can have fun with me😪

NEIL🔫: but you look like a guy i'm good.

HOW DARE NIEL!!! he will sure pay for this but that will have to be later. lewis, zain, and lime show up.

"hey boy's" you say thankfully with so much thanks. they all say there hellos and go up stairs to see haereie. when we get up their we see him a full kitten outfit. you moan just at the sight.

"actually you guys i don't need you're help. he seems to have calmed down" you say wanting them to leave so you can fuck haheriyyaie.

they look at you sadilly but agree and leave. you look at hawyeurhe. he looks so good. you go down stairs to grab so homemade milk ;). you go back upstairs and what you see leaves you in shock!!! carey isn't their anymore it's an actual cat! you see the cat has the same beaufuyl eyes as harretea and you realized he turned into a cat!

u are so sad so you take him to the pound. when you get their you throw hariiy on the ground and step on him. he deserves this pain. but as you try to step on him again another cat grabs your foot. it is a very stronge cat. the cat is lewis!!!!

"LEWIS?" you scream with so much anger.

"harryriri and i have been dating for the past 11 monthes. he never lobed you". you turn around and run in the road and cri. you try to call the 1d boies but they will lot pick up the technical devise.

you start walking home until you see a moving truck next to ur house. you look and see their is someone knew moving into next doors. you walk up close to him but not enough to bee seen.

as he was picking up one of the boxes he rips a big wet smelly fart that could knock out anyone but it didn't for you. you looked at him with love. he was so ugly it turned you on. you walked up to him to ask for his name.

"hello?" you say to the mystiroous man. "what's your name? i love write nexs dormir" he looks at you and smiles with all three of his teeth.

"well HOWDY!!! tha names calum!" he says. theee other boys walk up behind him. "and this feller rught heat is luke then michael and ashton!"

lucas was very tall which made him look like a basketball player who was also a crack head.

michelle had bright red hair which made his face look even palier.

ashiton was the shorter one and also has his dick out. it was very chodelike which is what you loved.

calcium reached his hand behind ashiton and grabbed his beirwin. ashiton moaned. soon enough all the boies we're making out with each other on the sidewalk. you were so turned on. you put your hand on your privates when you realized... THEY WERENT THERE!!?!?? you look up and see luek holdning you're privates in his hand.

they all run into the van and take off. you tried to run but you couldn't because you didn't have your privates. you were gonna bleed out!! and even worse you couldn't fingir ur self anymore!!! you bled out on the sidewalk


you and lewis were walking on the sidewalk when we saw y/n on the ground with blood surrounding her.

"look lewis" you say. he looks over and starts purring. ever since y/n left you have been able to express yourself in your correct form; a cat.

you both crawl over to y/n and lick up her blood. after all the blood was gone zayn the vulture came and ate her up. the end

heyyyyyy guys'd!!!!! i hope you guys enjoyid the imagine! i had lots of fun writing this. plz vote for bernie sanders for president and i will see you guys next time!!

p.s. happy national thesaurus day!!! i love sinonems!!

-jan 18

1010 words

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