Daddy and the Donkey (Cody Ko x reader)

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i'm so sorry🤡

DISCLAIMER! this is all a joke. i am not shipping people irl and this is kind of to poke fun at fanfics.

you and cody are watching the office together. it's you're favorite show ever of all time. cody looks at you while your laughing at the tv that was playing the show. cody is thinking about how much u mean to him and he wants to show you that.

"y/n????" cody says questionably with a bit of question in his tone.

"yeah cody?" you say keeping your beautiful y/c/e eyes on the tv that was playing the show the office.

"i love you" cody states lovingly with so much love.

"how do i know" you say. you think about your self and all you see are flaws. you're big y/c/e eyes and big juicy thiccc lips. don't even get started on the awful long flowing beautiful hair that you have. and you're body wasn't good either it was so curvy and your belly was flat.

"well i'll show you" cody says in a very serious and smexy tone that could turn a rock gay. he turns around and turns the song called "turbulent" by waterparks (a/n IM SO QUIRKY) you instantly get turned on by austin's perfect voice.

"you wanna go to my room cody???" you say, hopefully, sexually. he moans and u know u did it right. "i want ur chode dick" you say while sucking his earlobe and feeling the earwax around his ear getting even more turned on.

"call me daddy" cody- i mean daddy says.

"daddy can noel record?" you say. you never told him but you actually love noel and you want to make him jealous.

"sure. let me call him" cody states. he calls noel and noel is currently on his way to codies house. noel showed and stoud behind.

"ok let's get started" noel said in an british accent making it so hard not to get on the ground and suck his toes.

noel grabs the camera and hits the record button on the camera. he puts the camera up to his face and starts to focus the camera on us. the camera is very expensive for a camera so it took him a while to get used to the camera. he says the camera is ready. we look at the camera then start making out in front of the camera. we couldn't move around a lot because we had to stay in frame of the camera. cody then looked at the camera and waved.

"ur my donkey" cody said possessively. you can't help but moon out loud at the name cody had just given you. you and cody start stripping and you look at noel and wink. he brings his hands to his belly button and starts playing with it. oh my goddddd he is so hottttt🥵.

"you should set up the camera and come join us" you say smexfully.

"I LOVE YOU Y/N" noel screams with passion. you stare at him then run up to him and kiss him.

"i've always loved you noel" you say with so much love in ur loving voice. you turn around and see cody crying so much he chokes on his own tears and starts dying. what have you done?!!?!

"CODY???" you screams. he looks at you sadly.

"i knew it was time i have the covid-19" he says so sadly it breaks ur heart in 928,029.92 pieces.

"i love you my beautiful chodey" you says sadly and watch as the person you really didn't care that much about and used die. well dang.

"we have to bury his body" you say.

"nah well just chop up his body and put it under the house" noel says mater of factely. wow how did you get so lucky with such a smart and intelligent male specimen.

after you chop up his body (after you made love to it of corpse) you put it in a very stretchy plastic bag and tie the end so no pieces leak out.

you feel someone grabs your butt and says "now that he's gone" you look at noel and look at his eyes lustfully. he leads u upstairs with his blood covered hand roaming your body everywhere. this evening just keeps getting better and better!!!!!!

you start slowly making your way down to his pants. you rip them off in one singular movement. you saw he had two dicks. woah one for each hole what luck!

"i'll call you jerry" you say to the top member "and i'll call you bobbie" you say to the bottom cock. noel moens at the names. he shoves his penises in your holes and you scream.

"NOELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you where panting very so much heavy. noel releases in you after you yell you just had that much control. you then cum.

"wow cody could never" you say breathing very heavy because of the exercise you just did. WAIT! he didn't have a condom on!

"noel!!!!! i'm not on a pill!!" you say.

"well i guess were gonna have to get married to care for our child" noel says.

you look at him with so much love.


noel left after the child was bourne and left you to raise him. you guys don't have enough money to live but he sometimes pays child support so that helps. wow he's just such a great guy that he even thinks about us! you realize that having noels child was the best thing to ever happen to you.

i just wish noel could meet jerry bobbie miller. that's when you heard the doorbell ring. you look outside and you see noel!!!

"noel!! what are you doing here" you scream with very much a lot happyness.

"i love u and i want to have custody of the child" noel says.

the next few days have been a whorldwind. noel got full custody of jerry. noel and jerry went to the store to grab some milk but that was about 30 minutes ago. you sit and wait. you then get a text from noel.

NOEL❤️: i am sorry i realized i needed to start living for myself


NOEL❤️: i've met someone else. i took jerry and threw him off an cliff. i need to be by myself and without you in my life.

you: ok just know ur the only one for me. i love you😪

NOEL💔: i don't love you (MCR IS BACK😭)

and you broke down and you drove to the closest bridge and jumped. no one attended your funeral.

a/n heyyy guys that was my first try at a imagine i hope you guys like it!!! also no hate to cody but it's obvious he isn't as funny or good looking of as good in general as noel so yeah! also cody is old so he will probably die from the coronavirus. the world is ending but i want to make people happy with my imagines!!!!

ps. happy national toothache day!!! i hope you're teeth aren't hurting (TALK SO PRETTY BUT YOUR HEART GOT TEETHHHH)

-Feb. 9 -calumhoodisdaddy18xx

1179 words

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