Eat Your Love (JJ Maybank x Reader)

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DISCLAIMER! this is all a joke. i am not shipping people irl and this is kind of to poke fun at fanfics.

u stand outside ur house wear you and you're brother liv. you here a car sound and see ur brother get out of the twinkie (thags what you call the van you and all of your insainely hot frends use). but first let me introduce u to then all.

john b is our leder🥺. he does anything to keep us pagues safe. he's also my brother. our dad went missing ag see nin months ago but like jonbie says all the tim "he ain't dead until i see a body". he has sandy wavy hair that is just to die die if i wasn't his sis ofc hahaha.

kiara is another one of us. but she was a kook first (🤮). she finally realeyesed what the right side was. she's from both side tho he mom was a kook and her dad was a pogee like us. her dad is also fine afff. sadly i do thinm that jj has a thing for her. but so does pope and my brother so hopefully they get to her first.

next us pope. he's so fucking weird. but he's also smart so that's helpful. his dad is major daddy vibes and he's the only won without daddy issues which good for him ig. he's been trying to get a sum maret scolar ship idk. he has an interview for it ina. few weeks and he's been sooooo boring sense then.

and the theres jj🤩🤩🤩🤩. don't tell him i said this but i've soooo got a x crush in him. even tho he likes stinky kie. he's a short king but he's super muscular and tones and tanned and ripped and his hair is so floofy and blonde and he's so funny and dangerous and spontaneous but also sooooo stupid. i'm convinced he can't reed. but that's okay

finally there's me, y/n!!! i'm the smart one and also the attractive one. i have y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes and i'm y/h! i really like calculus and my favorite thing is art and my favoite painter is the one and only Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso!!!! i'm also the little sister of our lider john b.

anyway thays my crew over here in outer banks on the cut. that's where us poor people live. we don't have all the shiny things the kooks have in figure 8. they better be lucky i don't go over there in there perfect rich ass neighborhood and burn it to the fucking ground mwahahahahha.

anyway back to what i was saying before i had to introduce everyone. my brother brought over the crew to our ouse sense it's basically been our hangout spot sense our dad big john (big in all places hehe) went missing at sea. im sure he's dead but johnny said he's not dead until we see a body.

our uncle is suppose to be wtachinf us but he's somewhere in missorir. our mom left us and our dad went missing at sea. john b thinks he's still alive and said that he ain't dead unless he sees a body.

jj gets out of the car and my heart stops. i can't breathe. he's si pretty. he looks my way and yells "y/n look ay what j got. !!!!" and pulls out.... a GUN😱.

"JJ WHAT THE FUCK WHY DO YOY HAVE A GUNN?!?!?!?!" you scream scaridily. jj is very very reckless and you are worried he could kill ylu.

"well y/n the reason i have this mighty fine hun is because remember when we went out in the marsh and found that ship wreck and there was keys john b fished out.?" he asks.

ofc i remember but i couldn't go due to having to finish my calculus homework because i had to have summer school. we are learning about derivatives and integrals. the way to find the derivative of something like x^2 is that you basically move the exponent to the front and subtract one from the power so the derivative of x^2 is 2x!!!!!

so i answer jj "ofc i remember but i couldn't go due to having to finish my calculus homework because i had to have summer school. we are learning derivatives and integrals!!!!" i say.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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