im so sorry (not an imagine😔☹️😢)

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i have made a continuous lapse of my judgement and i apologize to anyone who got offended by the hurtful and awful things i have said.

in my imagine "laser" i said happy national titanic sinking day. i should have never said that. it was wrong of me. and i will never do that again

i wasn't educated on the matter and i will try to do so before i speak ever again. the titanic is a real thing that happened and it actually happened before the movie. so they didn't know it was going to sink.

i want to apologize to anyone who died on the titanic it was wrong of me to make fun of you and i how you're okay.

again i am so sorry if what i said offended you. it was never meant to harm you. for that my next imagine will be in honor of the people who died on the titanic. it's about rose and jack!

i love you all and i am so sorry if i hurt you.

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