Water Love (Shawn Mendes x Abraham Lincoln) (Camila Cabello x MrBeast)

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DISCLAIMER! this is all a joke. i am not shipping people irl and this is kind of to poke fun at fanfics.


you walk into the waffle house that's near you're subern house. you walk and realieze that it smells like hamburgers? you ignore it because you love yamburgers. ur hear waiting for your super famouso novia Shawn mendes!!!

you and sean met five years at his meet & great and it's been greet ever senese!


you stand their shaking about to meat tHE shawn mendes. you have been standing in line for what feels like hoursss but it's only been three teehee.

it's finally my turn and you look at shawn and he looks at you and you look at him and then he looks back at you. you have a little fight with your eyes. you walk up to him and smells like horse shit just like his eyes🥰.

"HI SHAWN" you yell.

"well hello beautiful. what is your name if you don't mind me asking" he asks reluctantly like he didn't know if i minded him asking your name.

"camila! i was wondering if ud like to meet me outbac" you said gracefully. he looks at you and starts to shake his but you decided to ignore it and grab him and bring him outside. he's prob just nervous.

"wait cam i have a show to do" he says worridly. you stop and look at him with disgust.

"don't be a pussy" you state. with that you left and it's been history ever since.


you sit at the table and shawn sits in front of you.


i need to get out of here. five years of this. i'm looking around the waffle hose when the waiter comes up. he looks familiar but i don't react.

"hello... my name is abe and i'll be ur server todays" he looks at me and winks. and i almost blushed and flinched but stooped myself. i look at cammy c and she looks like shes gonna explode.

"um is like if you didn't i-fucj my bunny boo bestie boy friend in front of me PERV" she whispers to him. he looks taken aback but stands even taller and i melt.

camila screams as she sees me turn into a puddle of water and as my eyes become drops i see abe smill at me and grab a cup.

he scoops me up with his hands and walks out of waffle and everyone starts to clap for me and abe and i fianlly realize i'm away from camila.

abe then puts me next to him and tells me more about himself but we get interrupted by a random white boy.

"omg are you THE ABE??" i look confused because how do they recognize him before me then i relize im a cup of water.

abe gives a giggle and informes him "yes i am the abe lincoln who freed the slaves in 1864 but i never did die i wanted to escape hardships of the civil war. it was won but i needed to escape. john wilkes booth and i lived a long life together and he died a few years ago. ofc i was the top so don't even bother asking aha" he laughs like the fucking chad he is. the kid gets a picture with him and leaves

lincoln talks to me more and then the poopoo shows up in there hot black outfits.

"THATS HIM HE STOLE MY BOYFRIEND!!" i tried to respond and saying she kidnapped me but i am simply a glass of water.

"he was also talking to water" the other officer says then i realize no one could see who he was talking to because i am just a measly cup of water.

"take him in he seems insane to me and we love arresting people but if he resists shoot him." lincoln tried to get up but gets shot dead. it's like the theatre many years back. i wanted to cry but i couldn't be i'm just a cup of h2o.

the police offecar comes over and pours me out of the paivement and i try to collect myself but the i realize i'm just un vaso de agua.

i splatter everywhere and loose conshence and eventually turn into nothing but water droplets floating in the air.


i start to cry as i realize my boyfriend is gone. the tall police officer comes over the me and try to comfort me by giving me his boob to hold. it's floppy so it fits great.

i look at him and he smiles at me with all of his 5 tooth.
"what's your name" i say.

"mrbeast!! and this was a test to see if you cared about other human beings this has all been for a video!" i gasp.


"um no this has all been real can't fake shit hahaha" he says and starts rubbing my ear. i start balling my eyes out and he keeps striking my ear at a rapid pace.

mrbeast and i fuck on the benches when i realize all the cameras were on us and then i realize this has been another set up and i realized this will be put up for views and then i realize people will see me naked and then i realized my single don't go yet will never get streams and then i realized what's the point so i realized there was a bridge a few feet from me and i realized i needed to jump off but before i could i realized someone grabbed me. a drop of water.

it starts to swirl and i see my beautiful shawn standing in front of me and i turn to hug him when he yeets me off the building calling me slut while i fall...

ELLO LOVES sorry for the short update i lost intartest in this one so i tried sumting differeent!!!

983 words

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